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How to Work From Home Remotely as a Recruiter


Working from home has been very common these days but a few years ago it was very rare and was not considered as an ethical way.

As per a research done by the team of market experts and professionals in 2014, it was stated that more than 60% of employees would be working from home by the year 2020. The reasons could be many and one of the best example is the ongoing coronavirus threat.

How to Work From Home remotelyThis working process not only seems gaining popularity but also promises better productivity. Not only startups but most MNC’s are also preferring to provide the option of working from home or working remotely to their workforce and recruitment industry is nowhere back.

Now you maybe thinking that, does bringing in work from home concept in hiring industry works well?

Quiet common question and an important one too.

In this article we will be breaking down step wise sections which clears all the clouds regarding this question.

Reasons for not providing remote working in hiring sector?

Well unlike earlier years this has not been a debatable topic anymore. Now this clearly states how productive is working from home process.

Now let us see what made employers think work from home unethical

  1. Recruiters would not be motivated enough to work well
  2. Compromising on quality of work
  3. Lack of communication to clients and among team members
  4. Better productivity during lack of monitoring or under employers absence

Now the most important thing here is to understand and analyze whether all the above mentioned reasons stop from providing working remotely option to employees in recruitment sector.

Maybe few years back employers might have thought so, but as time has changed newer methods and strategies have been bought in the recruitment industry. Several digital tools and software are made to use to ease the hiring process. With all such up-gradation working remotely can also be a possible way which works well in the recruitment industry.

Moreover the above mentioned reasons do not stand a chance in these highly technological era.

Biggest Challenge of Recruiters When Working Remotely:

Though the COVID pandemic has completely changed the working process of almost every business, there are many organizations which have done really well and the recruitment industry is surely one among them.

Work from home or working remotely which is the new form of working format has turned out as a win win solution for both employees in term of health and safety as well as for organizations in terms of achieving targets and gaining profits.

But to achieve all this several issues and concerns had to be dealt with with utmost smart solutions and precautionary methods by the businesses. And the hiring and recruiting sector was no exception.

On the basis of one such significant concern, Wisestep has performed a LinkedIn survey in the form of a poll with the question.

If You manage a Recruitment Team or Business, What’s your biggest challenge in Remote working? Let us know 🙂

The different options which they have mentioned are as follows,

  1. Share CV database logins
  2. Productivity of the team
  3. Analytics on performance
  4. Data privacy

And as per the survey, the Wisestep LinkedIn poll results which we have obtained are shown in this below media form,

Wisestep Linkedin Survey Results

As the poll was done on recruiters, about 43% of them have voted for “productivity of the team” as their biggest challenge when working remotely as a recruiter.

What makes remote working work well in recruitment industry?

Like any other industry recruitment industry also works very well if given the option of working remotely to the recruiters. Though this causes chaos in your mind but a detailed reasoning is provided below.

1. Computer and phone is all you need:

when you are working in an recruitment industry the most essential things you need is a computer and phone. Though good work environment and better team work helps you grow but working remotely works best in the recruitment industry.

Moreover there are many cases which prove that remote working in hiring has been very productive. Now the main role of a recruiter is to source candidates and keep track of the whole hiring structure which they most probably perform online. Software like ATS and cloud based CRM help them perform their work most efficiently.

So as most of the work is done online and on phone, location is not an important factor. In simple words, location or place does not matter for recruiters when performing hiring.

2. Tracking recruiter performance online:

Monitoring is most important for checking your team or employees productivity and work performance. This is most essential for employers especially when their employees are given remote working option.

It is the responsibility of the manager to know who all are bringing in leads and making conversations. And this can be done easily with the help of best recruitment software where each employees work performance gets automatically recorded.

With the help of recruitment software and tools even employers can opt remote working option and check their employees work performance online.

3. Retain the best workforce:

As per research , it is a proven fact the employees who are given extra benefits work better and bring in more results

Moreover they stick with the company for long which help them provide work from home like options along with performance based bonus and benefits. This not only motivates other employees to work better but also acts as a advantage for the organization as well.

When your organization works best in the market, targeting and attracting best talent in the market will be very easy and approachable.

Process of Rolling Out Work from Home Remotely in Hiring:

Some of the best tips to follow when rolling out remote working option to employees in the recruitment industry.

  • Make use of right technology
  • Invest in best recruitment software
  • Try best ATS and cloud based CRM technologies
  • Have a goal based planning
  • Setup daily online meeting to give updates
  • Team communication is vital
  • Make use of video based software
  • Maintain strict remote working policies
  • Follow strict working hours or work using flexibility option (depending upon the organization you work for )
  • Work task based or time based  (depending upon the organization you work for)

Tools that Support Remote Working Recruiters:

  1. Firefish’s pay-as-you-go VOIP system: Used to make and record calls within the system
  2. Soapbox: Used for sharing and recording video content with clients and  candidates.
  3. Skype:  Used for video calls and chat options
  4. Zoom: Used for video calls, audio calls and conference rooms
  5. Google hangouts: Used for chat, video calls and sharing files

Making use of best software and tools and using latest technology help recruiters to work well when working remotely.

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