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How to Get an Internship: Best Tips and Strategies


The process for obtaining an internship is palling, and only the most diligent and thoughtful students get into the approach. Your goals of obtaining an internship can be achieved by following certain effective strategies.

Many students assume that by just submitting a resume the task of obtaining an internship is over, but that’s not the truth.

The actual process of obtaining an internship has a few processes involved in it which should be pre-planned and initiated.

Here are a few tips that help students to get into their internship programs quickly.

how to get an internship

How to Find Internships:

Internships are very helpful for your career growth. The internship is a win-win solution for both the applicant and the company moreover, many organizations accept and encourage internship programs.

These internship programs truly help in many ways provided only if you apply to the right firms.

Now if you are also looking for internship programs but have no idea where to find then provided here are few internship resources where you can try.

  • Make use of internship sites
  • Use can also use google and type in internships or related terms
  • Utilize social media
  • Go through top job boards
  • Attend job fairs
  • Try networking
  • Meet career counselors
  • Look for all local career centers

How to Ask for an Internship:

How you ask for an internship mainly defines the outcome i.e acceptance or rejection of your internship application. So before sending an application, there are few things which you need to consider they are,

  • Make use of professional ways like using the LinkedIn advanced search
  • Polite your tone
  • Do not drag and be brief

Important note: Customize your resume accordingly to get better results.

Best Internship Websites:

Though there are many ways to find an internship program, the easiest way is to make use of dedicated internship websites. Some of them are,

Few other regular sites:

How to Find Internships at Job Fairs:

Attending job fairs helps you meet recruiters and hiring managers from different companies. Your networking web gets stronger and you can learn many new things. You can also introduce yourselves and exchange contact details which can be very helpful in the future. You also will be able to know marketing trends and what’s new in the hiring market. Being updated about the market will help you in the long run.

There are few tips that you need to follow to get internships in job fairs and some of them are,

  • Be prepared
  • Arrive on time
  • PItch with small internship opportunities initially
  • Try to make a good first impression
  • Do not leave early
  • Be interested
  • Move to your dream companies only when you are confident
  • Spend some quality time
  • Make good connections

How to Get an Internship Faster Tips:

1. Networking:

No doubt, networking has become one of the most important search strategies. It is through networking that you can announce to your friends, family, lecturers, teachers and more people that you’re hunting and looking out for an internship program.

Remember to utilize social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other sites so that students get linked to professionals easily.

Seek help from the college training and placement office so that they can offer you with their resources and other networking techniques.

Get associated with professionals of your industry so that the chances of obtaining internships are more.

2. Informational interview:

An informational interview is also another way through which students can gain ideas. Scheduling an informational interview is a perfect way where the right path to obtain an internship can be obtained by the students.

More information can be gathered and interest can be discussed about internships.

3. Get internship listings:

The career services or training and placement office in your college can offer you more details. Several databases would be available to them where they would possess the password for those sites.

There are many companies whose sites can be monitored as internships would be mentioned in the career section of the site.

The employment, as well as the career section, should be checked as several companies offer internship opportunities, in the same manner, the type of internship should also be checked.

4. Competitive internships:

There is a legion of organizations which offer internships in several sectors such as accounting, marketing, finance, public relations, advertising, human resource, and journalism.

Pick the internship, you desire and complete the application process as mentioned in the scenario.

Many students conclude that by just applying for internships they can sit back to receive an offer, but that isn’t true.

The fact is that internships are competitive and getting into a role is not very easy. Keep applying for more companies so either one gets clicked.

5. Digging into internships:

The best strategy to obtain an internship is researching and identifying the organization of interest and contacting them. The students can clarify from them if they need interns for their daily operations in business in their organization.

Students can also check the classifieds paper, or phone book or the local chamber of commerce. Online hunt can get you employers who offer internships.

6. Attend career fairs and other employment sessions:

Before interacting with an employer make sure that career fairs and attending sessions are one way where you can get to know the expectation of the employer.

These career fairs and sessions are a great opportunity as hundreds of companies visit colleges each year. Hunt for a list of career sessions and fairs and find out who is presenting it and what they are looking for.

Also, navigate to the site and get to know more about online workshops so that you’re able to interact with the employers.

In the same manner, you can also register with the various sites which update you and remind you about upcoming career fairs.

7. Tune your interpersonal and communication skill:

When you’re getting prepared for your internship, remember to tune your English written and verbal skills. Strong communication, non-verbal communication, and interpersonal skills are a few aspects that are mandatory for internships.

Make sure being perfect in such skills would be a preparatory action.

8. Focus on career goals:

Career counseling can be one way through which your interests, abilities, and values can be identified. Make sure about what you can provide your employers during the internship program.

Fix your career goals and run towards it to reach victory.

9. Plan your internship hunt:

Planning is very important for any task that has to be undertaken. Plan and also choose the right steps for the internship and the resources required.

With the available resources make sure you follow a strict deadline for hunting an internship program.

Apart from all these preparations, it is more important to monitor and track the internship progress and interactions with employers.

10. Resume being a tool:

A resume and a cover letter are considered as effective tools for fetching an internship program.

An effective resume is the only one that takes you through the process and helps you reach the next step. Your skills, experiences, and education are well informed to the employers through resume and cover letter.

So make sure that you present an effective resume, experts help can also be obtained for the same.

11. Professional association and the internet:

With all the search strategies, the internet is one main strategy that helps you obtain information regarding internships.

Salary statistics, postings, employer data, workforce trends and a lot more can be read through the internet.

Though the internet can be beneficial and useful, it cannot rely upon a single source for internship hunting.

12. Developing a personal network:

Building a relationship is the main motto of developing a network; this is also beneficial for students who are looking for internships.

You can develop your network too, during research when you have researched an organization and found it has no internship then, you can create one and offer to the same.

LinkedIn is one such great source to initiate connections with.

13. On campus interview:

This is another way through which internship hunt can accomplish. Several companies recruits for company and business positions. This opportunity can use to obtain an internship program.

There are very limited companies that conduct on campus interviews, hunt and get listings of such companies and utilize them.

14. Online job posting sites:

The online job posting sites are yet another way through which internships can be obtained. Try to search for job sites and submit resumes online, this would avail a chance within a short period.

15. Contacting students of the previous session:

To get to an internship program, you can also contact students who have previously attended the program. These students can offer you a broad vision about the internship program and ways to get into the program.

16. Start early:

It is always advisable to start hunting for internship programs earlier so that you have ample time to research and get settled in one program.

By starting early you can uncover more and more opportunities and also surpass only a few deadlines.

You gain elevated chances and opportunities when you plan and execute the task.

17. Gain experience:

Some students who possess previous experience are the ones who picked by the employers quickly for an internship.

Experience students are ones who have joined in various school activities such as joining school clubs and organizations.

If a student interested in journalism, they must have participated and contributed to the school newspaper. The students can also gain experience by volunteering in various activities.

In this way, the resume is beefed up and also you presented as a responsible citizen.

18. Preparing for an interview:

It is equally important to research and prepare for the interview as showing interest in other aspects. Assume the interview as an entry level occupation and prepare with complete dedication.

Moreover, research the company and gain more details before getting to the interview.

Also, state that the position you require is important and positively move the interview.

19. Follow up:

Once you’re done with the interview, make sure to send a thanks letter which is important. You can also add to the letter that you enjoyed the interview and learned a lot from the interviewer.

20. Be creative:

Present all your achievements such as a visit to networking events, your travel to various events and fairs, the way you tailored your CV for every role and more.

Bring out more ideas that are realistic and creative and share it with your network or professionals. In this way chances of getting an internship are more.


When an internship obtained and completed, it adds value to your degree and makes career employment easy. Academic study and career related work educated during an internship program.

In this way your total educational experience enriched. The other beneficial aspect is that students gain professional experience and a spirited edge using such programs.

It offers a chance to get a link from educational sessions to the real world. Make yourself focused, flexible and ready to face a realistic approach in the program.

Internships are a great way to enhance work knowledge and hence obtaining one quickly would shape you the best for a job.

The tips mentioned above can help you avail of an internship program promptly.

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