When you are inexperienced, then things become difficult for you while applying for jobs. But, you must remember that there are people who are getting appointed in a job position with little or no experience at all.
Therefore, you must see the brighter side of it and don’t get disappointed too early. It is hard to keep your calm when you are applying for ten jobs a day and none of them calling you back for an appointment.
But, then again, you don’t have any other choice, so you have to keep on submitting your resume to the places where you feel that you will be able to work. It is much easier said than done, but when you are not considered for a single position, then you must go into a self – critical mode and see whether you are doing everything right or not.
Sometimes, the fault is ours, but we keep on coaxing the company and their managers for not considering us as their potential candidate for the job position.
Therefore, you must sit back and go through your resume and the cover letter that you are submitting. Then, there are several other things that you have to work upon before hitting the submit button on your computer screen with that resume of yours.
Tips to Make Yourself Eligible for Getting Hired:
Now, you must keep in mind that it is not important to have the experience in the related field because more often than not, relevant experience is not counted that much, instead they look at what talent you have and how it will add value to their organization.
That is not all, there are several other things that you have to keep in mind if you want to get hired without any experience. Read on to know more about what you need to get hired –
1. Look for the hidden talent:
We all have some kind of talent, but we need to dig in deep to find what raw talent we have and how we can associate it with the relevant job position that is vacant.
Think about some experience where you really worked hard, but enjoyed the whole process. You will come to know about where you are good at and then you can use that to fetch a job for yourself.
If you have some technical support knowledge, then you can either get a job on a film set. Once you start there, then gather some experience and move on to some better opportunities.
2. Take the first step with internship:
When you are not experienced enough, then the best thing to do is to start off with an internship.
If you want, then you can go for unpaid internship as well. It is a nice way of getting yourself to the door of opportunity and now whether you can materialize on that depends entirely upon you.
You have to work really hard to prove your mettle and make your managers take notice of that, so that they can consider you for a permanent position.
3. Select the industry you want to work in:
Now when you have completed your graduation, it is time to get started with your work. So, where do you start?
First select the industry that you feel is suited for you and then look for two or three positions there where you can apply.
4. Volunteering is a good option:
When you are not getting a job, you can start doing volunteer services. It will help you in gaining experience even when they are not paying you much.
In some cases you might not get paid at all, so be prepared for that too. Stick to the job and simultaneously look for other jobs as well.
5. Include the college experience:
Almost every graduate commits the same mistake of leaving behind their college experiences and accomplishments.
So, while preparing your resume, you must think about all the things that you have done in your college.
You might have organized an auction or developed a strategy for social media or you might have written for school magazines or even arranging an event will bring forward some of your hidden talent and good management skills which you can use to your benefit and get hired without any major work experience.
6. Social media is a good platform:
Go online and submit your resume to the career boards that is there online. You can also use your LinkedIn account to know that you are available for the job position that will suit your orientation.
Through LinkedIn, you will be able to create a connection that can in turn open up some opportunity for you.
You can connect with your old friends or friends of friends and let them know you are looking for a job, so that if they have any information about the opening, they will inform you.
You have to do your research well and then take the initiative of spreading the word around that you are looking for a job. The combination of both will be good for you, and it will really be beneficial for landing up you a job.
7. Create your own portfolio:
It is not necessary to have certificates that second your experience always but what is important that you create a portfolio showcasing all your work.
If you are good at art and have done some amazing artwork, then you can have some of the snapshots of you creating those along with the finished products .
In case you are eyeing the position where graphic designing is required, then you can create a sample and carry it with you.
If you are good with your words, then you can create your own blog, so that you can show some sample writing of yours.
8. Resume will speak on your behalf:
Ensure that you have put in much effort to create an extraordinary resume, so that it speaks volume about your dedication towards the job.
But in order to stand out in the crowd, you must make an effort to make it different and for that you can go online and look for help in creating an extraordinary resume.
Moreover, do remember to send in a cover letter as well. The cover letter must accompany your CV, otherwise most companies will not value your stand – alone CV.
9. Go out of your way with some offer:
While in the interview room you can come up with some offer that your interviewer will find hard to refuse.
It must be relevant to the job position, so if you see that round the clock service is required, then let them know that you don’t have any problem in extending your working hours or you are flexible enough to take up any work hours.
The most attractive offer will be to work free of cost until you have met their standards or ask them to pay the minimum amount which is lower than the actual wage for that position.
10. Don’t be a ‘yes’ man:
Though you might feel that employers like yes man, but it is not the truth. Instead, you will have to showcase that you are somewhat different and would love to stay that way even after selection.
Don’t be the one amongst the herd instead be different and draw the attention towards you. When you are trying to stand out in the crowd, it is important that you do it with your positive attitude and having an opinion of your own.
It doesn’t mean that you will have to go for some flashy dress on or a big tattoo drawing everybody’s attention towards you.
11. Try and impress the interviewers:
Make sure your charm works in favor of you and you make a good impact on the interviewer.
Dress up well, carry everything that is required and reach the venue ahead of time. When you come prepared for the job interview, then you will feel confident and it will help you in making a positive impact on your interviewer.
It might be nerve wrecking as you step into the interview room, but ensure that you wear your smile always and don’t let the interviewer know that you are nervous.
Impress the interviewer with quick reply, but let the interviewer finish the question first.
12. Professors can be a great help:
If you know a professor who can help you with your job hunting then you must ask him for help.
Do not shy away because when you do not have any experience in the job field, then you might feel lost, but when you get someone whom you know helping you, it will be not that difficult anymore.
You can also ask for some reference from him, which surely will be helpful for you and give you a clue where to start from.
13. Think to yourself what you want:
You must start early, therefore, when you are starting your college you must think to yourself what you want to update on your resume down the line.
It will help you take the initiatives in the work that you really like and you will have things to update on your resume as well.
14. Right networking is important:
Now you know, you don’t have loads of experience to bank upon, so what do you do? The answer is networking well.
You have to network with the right kind of people and let them know that you are looking for a job.
It doesn’t really matter where you are, you just have to initiate a conversation about your job hunting along with bits of information about the skills you have.
15. Do your research well on the employer:
If you have finally bagged an appointment, then it is time to indulge in some research work about what the company is all about and what the hierarchy is.
Get in as much information you can before going in for an interview as it is very much important that you have some question ready for your interviewer as well regarding the company and how it helps the employees grow.
16. Be an all – rounder:
It is important that you have multiple skills, so that you can work on more than one thing.
You might be hired for one position, but you can show them that you are equally talented in other things too, so if required you can fit in different shoes as well.
17. Highlight the contribution:
When you are straight out of your school and looking for a job, you must include the achievements you have in your school.
Highlight them in your resume for your future employer to see.
If you can show them something that will prove your association with the project, then nothing can get better than that.
18. Explaining how the skills can be incorporated:
When you are trying to get a job, you must be able to explain how the skills that you have can be useful for the job position you have applied and why they must hire you over others.
19. Hone your skills:
Now when you have realized what your strong points are, work on to master it well, so that when you present your work in front of them it will be nothing but the best.
20. Add executive summary and have contact information on top:
It is important that you have the executive summary present while writing a resume and also ensure that you have the contact information right on top where it is visible.
In the executive summary, you can come up with some of your best skills and let them know how good you are at that.
Make sure that you write this after you have completed writing your resume, so that it syncs well with your resume and doesn’t include anything which is not there on your resume. You must also include what you want to achieve as well.