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Embracing Change in the Workplace: Best Strategies


Experiencing change in the workplace is inevitable irrespective of your occupation. Change occurs and we need to face it each day in our work life. Anything from the development of new products, the fusion of divisions and more invites change.

One would surely gain opportunities by facing change in the workplace. It is common that humans have the character to battle change. It is to be understood that unwillingness to accept change can derail career progress.

Hence, in order to become a valuable asset for the organization, it’s important to embrace the change in the workplace. Let’s run through a few points and related aspects on embracing change in the work place.

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embracing change in workplace

Embrace Change Meaning:

Irrespective of your occupation, change is something that happens in your job role at some point in time. It can be an advancement in technology, management system, new personnel and more where employees are sure to face changes in the workplace.

Apart from developing a product, the most important aspect in a workplace is to develop a healthy working environment when changes occur.

Changes occur in the organization in order to stay competitive, innovative and live in the market. It is the responsibility of the employees to accept and also assist changes that take place in policies, leadership, management approaches and technologies.

When such changes occur, the employees should accept the change in order to become successful. But the fact is that most of the employees resist changes and defend them.

Examples of change:

It is important for all employees to understand that we are in a fast changing communication and technology world. For example, 20 years back there was no communication facility and people struggled to send information. Change has introduced to the new technological development called email which has made everything simple these days.

In the same manner, Facebook wasn’t our daily tool which about one and quarter billion individuals and almost billions of employees use these days for communication. So, change has played a great role in communication and technology and thus, change must be accepted as they pave the way to great success in career.

Embracing change is thus important for any individual in their personal as well as career life. The most powerful and professional tool available today is changing and hence accepting it is the smart way.

Steps to Embrace Change:

1. Changes should be announced in an exciting manner:

At times when change plays its role, it is important to develop a schedule so that everyone feels a part of it. Instead of dictating how aspects should be done, it can be the way where goals are created by discussing together as a team.

There are ways to inform certain aspects, instead of forcing employees to associate with the certain department you can have a varied effect when you describe the change that has happened.

The changes must be formulated and mentioned in an interesting and exciting way. Apart from the worries, present them the changes by looking at the big picture. Explain the employees to see aspects in a career advancement way and invite opportunities through change.

2. Present your flexibility:

Being open-minded is mandatory for career development either you’re employed or hunting for a new job. If you believe in staying afloat in the severe economic climate, then presenting your flexibility is important.

A simple example can be to accept any category of job either temporary or part time though you’re waiting for a perfect full-time job. It may not sound to be an ideal idea, but accepting such opportunities can help you open another door in the career.

By accepting a temporary position in such companies like front office or answering calls can help you gain other positions within the organization.

3. Take small steps:

In order to embrace change, it is important to take small steps to achieve it. For instance, your action can be broken down into smaller actions from where you can start from.

A simple example can be for employees who fear about presenting a presentation to large groups, can try the same formula with a smaller group and gain confidence.

It isn’t mandatory to run the marathon immediately if you’re fearful but it is mandatory to take steps for continuous betterment towards one’s goals.

4. Motivation is mandatory:

The employees must be convinced about the professional as well as personal benefits that happen due to change before they are motivated towards change. There would be a slow working process at times of change which the management must understand. Also, there needs to be temporary help which helps accomplish everyday tasks at times of change.

Learning and practice are another main aspects to be followed at times of change. It is vital to practice as employees make mistakes and learn from it at times of practice. The management must formulate realistic and clear vision at times of change and make the commitment a mandatory aspect. The management must also concentrate on goals, mission and objectives for specific departments in the organization.

5. Being open to new ideas:

Almost all employees who had been working for a long time would have found the ease, tricks and would lie in a comfort zone where they worked. They find it difficult with certain aspects especially when they wanted to undergo some changes.

The fact is that time keeps changing and individuals need to learn something new. Employees must hence let go of the past and look for the future changes that happen.

By this way, employees are open to new ideas and thoughts. Change is one important aspect which has led to successful careers for many people.

Examples of Embracing Change at Work:

1. Cool ambivalence:

A simple example to embrace change has been mentioned for a better understanding of change. Janet is a lecturer and has been working for the past 18 years. Her associate dean has mentioned few changes to be implemented in the department and in the management.

It was also mentioned that a consultant would be assisting her in the changes that take place. Other colleagues with Janet are juniors in terms of experience and age and were muddled to face the change.

Janet has been facing these changes many years and used to it. Janet then moves to her colleagues and relieves them of their fears and also mentions the advantages and opportunities due to the change. She mentioned that each employee should be motivated by the changes that happen in the workplace and get ready to accept them rather than fear about them.

2. Unwanted nervousness:

Another simple example is about Bob who is an IT manager and is responsible for the financial and human resource systems in the organization. He has been working for 10 years and been in this job role for about 2 years.

There was a meeting which was held in the head of the department, where they mentioned that the university is hunting for new strategies and is looking to replace constant upgrades and patches with latest ones.

By this way, the organization believes that the system would be current. The department which Bob handles has been monitored with a task force in order to look for ways by which efficiency can be improved.

By this way, he believes that his own job is in danger and also emails every employee about the danger in their jobs. He also mentions the change as a bad one. By this way, half of the staff members in the department believe that they are in danger and would lose their jobs. The same status remains even after two months and Bob mentions the bad nature of change.

Change is unavoidable and must be faced without fear. Nothing can happen if Bob fears and also puts the complete team under anxiety. Instead, he can learn ways by which he can cope up with the change.

Ways to Embraces Change:

The following mentioned are few tips on dealing with change and flexibility at work.

1. Hiring motivated people:

Employees must be evaluated based on their quality of work and also by the time period they have been working. Employees who are not ready to accept change are weeded out easily at times of change.

By this way, positions would be available for ones who can resist change. It is also required by the management to spend the time to motivate the unmotivated people and make the organization successful. Chores would be accomplished in a successful manner, by hiring motivated people from the start.

2. Possessing a positive attitude:

This is one of the most important rules to be followed in the workplace. Resentment and refusal are always present when changes take place. You may be a new employee or a boss, but it is important to remain positive at any time during the change.

Change can be scary but looking at it in a negative aspect is not suggested. By this way, you also avert yourself from viewing positive aspects.

Though change can be tough, it is something that helps the employee as well as the organization to grow. Hence looking at the change in a positive aspect is important.

3. Adopting latest tools of persuasion, learning and negotiating:

A user-friendly approach is required for persuasion. In this context user-friendly means allowing the employees to express their views, ideas and a chance to vent and also permit them to make mistakes. The managers in the organization must possess a positive and encouraging approach for their employees.

Coaching and encouraging the employees must be the motive of the managers rather than criticizing and punishing them. Critical and condescending behavior will only hold back the employees.

4. Changes can be supported with workshops:

It is important to have management development and team building workshops so that change is promoted. Inputs for the requirements can be gained and different management styles can be planned and implemented. The fact is the people respond to workshop exercises as it is associated with the work they do.

The workshop must be a mix of content and process. A level of trust must be developed and employees must learn about each other. Tasks must be content related so that they are performed together.

5. Change management program:

The real fact is that small organizations just dig and begin the process whereas in bigger organizations there might be some procedure to start off. There would be large-scale kick off programs in the organization which involves all the people in the organization.

Thus, the program in this manner should be motivating, encouraging and exciting for all employees to participate.

6. Communicating in a purposeful way:

The communication style must be purposeful and must suit each individual people and preference. As an employee, you need to read your co-workers and supervisors and communicate appropriately to them.

There are people who prefer face-to-face communication rather than phone calls. When all these aspects are noticed and implemented, employees are pleased and feel that they are valued.

7. Change is challenging:

A change can make an employee positive irrespective of the difficulty in them. In order to accept change, employees need to change the way they think. Changes are exciting and challenging which makes the workplace a competitive one.

Changes can move forward or backward hence controlling and influencing the changes are important. Facing changes in motivation and enthusiasm can make it challenging.


These are a few aspects which are associated with changes. Workplace changes are this mandatory and happen for the well-being of the organization. Opportunities are opened for the employees and the workplace is enhanced as they face the competition in the real industry. Changes in the workplaces are thus important and required in an organization to enhance its standards.

Every employee must have the enthusiasm and battle nature to handle change in the organization. The change also enhances the knowledge of the employees and takes them to a higher level.





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