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How to Eat Healthy Working in an Office?


The professional life has slowly encroached over our personal lives. People today spend most of their time in office altering their lifestyle to suit the office schedule. This in turn affects their health as most of the individuals are kept bereft of truly healthy food. So how to cope with this great challenge that the modern lifestyle poses? How to eat healthy even while abiding by the hectic office schedule? Here are some simple tips and suggestions that will help you eat healthy even while being a working professional.

eat healthy working in office

How to Eat Healthy in a 9-5 Office Job:

1. Devise a Quick Yet Healthy Menu:

Many working individuals fail to eat healthy because they do not plan things properly. If you plan your routine with enough foresight, you can eat healthy even while having a really hectic work schedule. In case of couples where both husband and wife are working, it may seem really difficult to prepare a proper three course meal. Yet, it is still possible to eat healthy. Here are some healthy foods that you may opt for even while leading hectic professional lives.

2. Easy To Prepare Salads:

Salads are the best options for a quick meal. You may prepare some of your favourite salad dressings and use it whenever you need to prepare a quick salad. Preparing a salad is simple and easy. You just need to pick a few good and fresh vegetables. Feel free to pick some green leafy veggies as they are super healthy. Do not forget tomatoes and onions as they are very good detoxifying agents. You may also add some nuts like almonds to sharpen your memory. The time you take to chop the vegetables is the maximum time required to prepare a salad. So isn’t that an easy and healthy option for an office goer?

3. Quick Sandwiches:

Sandwiches are another simple option to get rid of your anger. You just need to have a few bread slices. You can prepare spread and sauces for the sandwiches in the weekend or during your leisure time. While most of the delicious sandwich spreads are available in the market, those sure are full of preservatives. It would be better if you prepare sandwich spreads at home. These are fresh and completely reliable.
The easiest sandwiches can be made from scrambled egg, roasted potatoes or fresh veggies. These are readily available and the preparation time is less too. You may top these sandwiches with butter and cheese if you can afford a few extra calories.

4. Fruit Juices for Refreshment:

Fresh fruit juices are really the best form of refreshment. Do you remember all those instances when you just felt like quenching your thirst with Cola? Next time when you are in office or on your way to the office, when you get the same feeling, go for some fresh fruit juice instead. You can prepare it in a jiffy and carry it along in a water bottle. Fruits have a great detoxifying effect.

Cola, on the contrary, is nothing but sugar syrup with no good effect on your health. Replacing it with fruit juices can help you stay fit and energetic. Another good option when you are thirsty is coconut water. It quenches thirst and also possesses electrolyte that reduces the excess body heat.

5. Fruits During Snack Breaks:

Oily snacks can hamper your health disastrously. It is always better to opt for fruits instead of such snacks. They are healthy and can be eaten anywhere. There are number of fruits like oranges, bananas, apples, peaches, grapes and pineapples and each of these help to improve your health. They are ideal and have really no adverse effect on your health. The best benefit of fruits is that you can eat them as they are and don’t need to spend time to cook to make it tasty.

Even when you hold a high position and have many responsibilities to shoulder, such additions and alternatives to your daily diet can help you eat well and stay healthy. Here we have listed out a few other tips that will help you stay healthy.

Important Health Tips for Office Workers:

1. Avoid Skipping Meals:

Very often, office goers tend to skip their meals. Their usual excuse is that they lack time. Later they feel hungry and they stuff their stomach with junk. This is definitely a wrong thing to do. A wise option would be to purchase fruits and keep. Whenever you think you lack time, you may just have some fruits. Another such instant or quick option would be to have boiled eggs or an omelette. It does not take much time to prepare these things and they are a great way to fill your stomach when you are really hungry.

2. Avoid The Quick Bites:

The quick bites like a pack of crispy wafers or a puff are the greatest temptations that you often give into. These are the common snacks you find in canteens or tea stalls. It is best to avoid these as they are extremely unhealthy and very high in calories. There is really no use of having such snacks because they do not help you get rid of hunger. They are surely tasty but there are countless other things that are tasty as well as healthy. You must opt for those instead of such quick snacks.

3. Carry a Tiffin Rather than Eating Out:

It is often said that homemade food is really the best food. That could be the reason why many of the major brands try to market their products saying they are as good as homemade food. The moral of the story is that it is wise to carry a tiffin than to eat out. You may eat out once or twice but making it a habit can really be unhealthy. Food outside is not freshly prepared. There are greater chances of people getting ill by consuming such foodstuffs. It is thus a great idea to carry a lunch box.

4. Eat at Regular Intervals:

It is rightly said that people who eat at regular intervals do not grow fat. On the contrary, individuals who eat just at three times in a day tend to eat a lot more when they actually eat. Body does not get ample time to metabolise all the food that is consumed and this leads to adding up of calories that shows up as excess bodyweight.

You can munch at regular intervals. Have fruits or salads as these are healthy. Do not stay hungry for too long. Regular and healthy eating habits lead to a healthy lifestyle.
Body metabolism needs to be proper if you should benefit from the food you are eating. Here are some tips that may prove helpful:

5. Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise is vital for the body. Many times, people working in offices fail to spend sufficient time on exercise. This is the reason why they fall prey to illnesses like hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Exercise is very important for the body. If you try to set out separate slot for exercise, it may not always be feasible. There are many chances that you may skip the gym or a morning walk due to hectic schedule. It is always easier to inculcate exercise in your routine. In your office, walk it up to your floor or walk down to the canteen rather than using the lift. It is a simple way to add some exercise into your routine. When it is part of your routine, you won’t have difficulty giving it ample time.

6. Yoga or Meditation:

People often fail to believe the impact of a stressful job life on one’s food habits. If your mind is at peace, you will be able to enjoy food and your body’s metabolism will also be under complete control. On the contrary, when you are stressed out, your body responds to the stress by lowering your appetite or reducing the overall metabolism rate. So there are greater chances of having digestion related health problems when you are stressed. You need to calm your mind and stay at peace. This can be done only through Yoga and meditation. These are two methods that ensure complete control over body and mind. It instantly relieves your mind of any kind of stress and revives internal peace.

Mind and body need to be completely healthy if you wish to put in your best at work. If you do not take proper care of your body, your mind will stop working. As a result, eventually, your performance will reduce and it will in turn affect your career. It is thus best to take some extra efforts to stay healthy and fit. Health is really the true wealth and if staying healthy means a little care of the diet, it is really a small fee to pay. Eat healthy and you will have more profits in the long run.

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