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13 Good Business Analyst Interview Questions and Answers


Every organization is in need of someone who is a good business analyst.

Without such people, the organization will take efforts to run smoothly. You need experts who will be able to guide you well, if you are doing right or wrong, if you are on the path of making profits or loss.

Thus, these are the people who will perfectly analyze an organization or even a simple business domain.

They are sure to go through the documents of one’s business or systems and then give credible inputs about it.

They will assess the business model and see if new technology and inputs have been incorporated or not. Thus, you need sound people to take up the positions of business analysts.

interview questions for business analystBusiness Analyst Interview Questions:

You cannot have someone who does not know the importance of having an eagle’s eye on the trend of business.

Thus, certain specific business analyst interview questions need to be asked to probable candidates for a business analyst’s job. They include:-

1. What is the typical role of a Business Analyst, what does he do and what are his responsibilities?

This is a typical question that would be quintessential to be answered by every candidate who is appearing for the job.

The most important responsibility of a business analyst, you could sum up as saying would be that of excellent communication conduit.

He or she would be required to conduct this smooth communication between the actual stakeholders and the entire team that is present. Remember, it depends upon organization to organization to answer such a question.

Thus a basic research about the company you are giving an interview, is a must. You can chose from these points when you are answering for the requirements of responsibilities for the interview.

  • Thoroughly investigating various goals and small issues.
  • Detailed analysis of information.
  • Rapport and being in talks with a wide variety of people.
  • Document findings and research.
  • Evaluating good solutions.

2. What are the various common tools which would be thoroughly required to be used by a business Analyst?

Software skills would be one of the basic questions that would need to be asked by any interviewer.

Today, be it any company you go, you would be required to answer these questions. You, in no way can you deny that this may not be required or not be the need of any business.

The common and basic tools that may be used by any business analyst could be many.

They may vary from MS Visio, MS word, they even could be MS Excel, MS Power Point, to even MS Quality centre/to even MS test director and also MS Project. There may be other tools that may be very niche to this job.

These tools may be the tools which are client specific and also some which may be supplied by the client. Being thorough in business and being very upfront about are calls for the basic need of any company.

3. Tell me how has your qualification helped in your job/ work experience?

It is one of the important question to be asked to someone who is doing business analysis job.

If you are applying for a job that requires you to be a business analyst, you will need to be smart enough to convince your employer on “how your particular qualification is going to assist you in doing better in the required job”.

Be it an MBA, a BMS degree or anything else, you must very well know how to be able to convince the employer to tell him that you will be able to do the job skilfully.

4. What did a typical day at your most recent job include?

It could have been that you worked as a business analyst before or maybe you are just a fresher who has applied for the job.

Thus, when asked with such a question, you should be ready with an answer.

If you had been a fresher you can just reply saying “I am excited to learn new things on the field”. If you are not a fresher and you have worked as a business analyst before, you will be required to tell them everything about your routine day.

Thus answers could range from saying you met many clients, conducted a lot of interviews and were always on the run for looking for suggesting good business opportunities to your clients.

5. Why did you choose this profession?

A very typical answer to these questions could be different for different people.

Some can say innate interest, some can say for the money or some can also say that it was the closest job to staying close to business and not directly investing your energy in it.

However, a very good answer to the question could be to say you always had an eye for good business.

You can narrate examples how you solved case studies in classroom and enjoyed doing them, how you have an eagle’s eye as far as understanding and decoding business is concerned. Always stick to the point while answering such question.

6. If dealt with a project, what would be your typical approach? When exactly would you be done with requirements?

For business analysts this becomes one of the very favorite questions. During such a question, it is necessary you do not run around the bush and be very to the point.

You are your boss, so plan how your efforts will begin from start to the end. You will tell them the exact points and also convince them how and when you would be finished with the job.

You will be able to meet a set of clear and what is called as approved requirements that would represent the business need and would have been completely vetted by the solution team.

7. What are, according to you, the key strengths of any business analyst?

Being business analysts is not an easy job.

It is a very growing profession which offers the youth with ample of opportunities. This will exceed far more than just technology skills.

Your communication power needs to be as strong and effective as any other requirement in this scenario.

You cannot escape by being just someone who does not know things. Keep yourself prepared to speak about the variety of business analyst’s requirements and roles within the given profession.

Tell them about some crucial business analyst’s skills that are quintessential for gaining success in the role.

8. Give us a list of some documents which could be needed by a business analyst to treasure?

There can be many documents which may or may not be required by business analysts. It actually depends upon the need and utilization process of a business analyst.

Some of the documents which may actually be of use would be these-BRD, FRD or even more of FSD (Functional Requirements).

They can also range from Change control documents to even some documents like the Mapping documents. Knowing about the requirement of these documents at the perfect time may be the need of the hour during an interview.

9. Fundamental questions like what is business validation and all?

A business analyst candidate is supposed to be clear with his fundamentals and basic questions like these.

Business validation is the process when you required the validation of actual verification of the client’s requirements. This must be as per the required and eligible signed off agreement.

A complete business impact analysis of every requirement is very much needed.

During an interview, it is like the hard and fast rule that you be in a position to convince your employee that you know everything and you should be able to do that very well.

10. How will you mentally structure and physically prepare yourself when there is a huge workload?

A business analysts’ job can be tough. Many businesses who hire full time employees want their business analysts to be taken for a full day period.

They will be required to be in office for long hours and sit and analyse the functioning of the work very carefully.

They are thus required to be able to chart out and find the nuances with the business chart of a client and be able to develop some story or some graph out of it. This must be done quickly. This is the healthy requirement of a business analyst.

11. If the requirements are changing rapidly in the world, then how will you be able to organize yourself and also be competitive with other business analysts?

The world would be moving fast and would be rapid. Your employer is not going to wait with you for an answer.

If you are applying for the job of a business analyst where all that your employer needs you to do is be fast and a little pumped about it.

You will have to show you are with the pace. Your requirement, which will also change, will be completely inhabited by you.

In no way will you make your employer feel that you were not able to cope up with the changes. Also be able to convince your employer with minimal words, what the requirement would be.

12. What is the difference between re-insurance and insurance claim handling?

Such tricky questions can be asked with the sole purpose being too out the candidate in a big worry-cycle.

The answer the employer expecting is a direct answer which you as a probable candidate can mess up if you are tensed about it. Remember an interview is there just to know how confident you are.

Thus, it is very necessary that you are completely aware about the difference that exists between Insurance claim and re-insurance claims.

Basically an insurance claim is something that is settled in company whereas a re-insurance claim would be a thing that is settled by Reinsurance Company.

13. What others question the employer could ask that the employee would have for him or her?

As a business analyst, you also would be required to ask certain questions about your job to the client.

Generally a job brief does not necessarily fulfill all the requirements of knowing the details of the job and then you end up asking the interviewer.

Here you are required to ask questions like demonstrating your ability to ask better, thoughtful and some really intelligent questions that would be required in the interview. You must necessarily try to pose questions that pertain to your job.

You can ask him or her about the salary details, appraisal hike graphs and how it is done and something about perks in the company.

You can also clarify with him or her about the criteria of leaving the previous job and coming to you. You can tell them what you expect from the job and various requirements.

To Wrap Up :

An interview can turn very well into a conversation depending upon how you are going to answer the questions. Turn this essential part of the interview into a fluid conversation by trying to talk more and share about your experiences.

You can also here and there give a suggestion but do this by judging the mood or temperament of the interviewer.

Be very good while you listen to the person asking you questions and do not be over enthusiastic to answer without knowing its context. Listening to him well can make him feel heard and understood.

An interview is the time when you can manifest easily your elicitation skills. Forget the part of question answering-you are there to get your desired position as a business analyst and you will get it, if you are shown proper confidence to get it.

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