Now that you have finished your graduation, then you have two options – Either you can go for higher study program or you can hop to a prestigious job position.
If you are among those who consider the second option better, then this article is really going to help you a lot to make you hired on your preferred job profile.
Getting hired for a reputed job is not easy, especially after graduation. This is because may be, there are more qualified persons than you available in competition and most vitally, you do not possess any prior experience.
So, all this can make an interview troubling for you. But if you have the will and you perform well in your interview, then no one can stop you from getting hired to your desired profile.
So, here are some tips discussed below that can help you have a good interview and even increase your chances of securing an esteemed job for yourself at this eligible age!
Interview Tips and Advice for College Graduates:
1. Analyze Your Target Job:
Whether it is a small company or a big hub, the employer will surely be looking for certain skills, knowledge base and qualities within an employee.
So, try to find out about all requirements of the job that are vital to gain success in that role. You need to inculcate such qualities within yourself in order to best suit the job requirements.
In case, that job profile does not suit you at all, then it is better to look for another alternate opportunity.
2. Study In Detail All About The Organization:
You need to homework on the organization, job and industry. You can go through the company’s website to gain detailed information about the company .
Besides this, it is also viable to find connections with employees already working in that company or belong to the same industry.
You can even talk to previous alumni. Reading newspapers, journals, business magazines can also help you gain knowledge that makes you different from remaining crowd.
3. Prepare Yourself For Typical Questions That Are Going To Be Asked:
Whether you are being interviewed for the first time or for end number of times, there are some typical questions that are always asked like
- ‘What are your weaknesses and strengths?
- What are your past accomplishments?
- Why do you want to work in this organization? etc
You should frame natural and realistic answers to such questions. Do not copy answers for such questions from internet or other places. Be genuine and realistic while answering such questions to win over the game.
4. List Down Your 5 To 7 Key Assets:
You don’t have to boast about yourself, but yes, you can politely speak out your strengths and assets.
It is better to list out your assets in advance like course, projects, skills, personal qualities, knowledge base and more. This will boost your self confidence and will also contribute towards your’ job getting’ desire.
5. Try To Correlate Your Every Asset With An Example:
When you will speak out about your assets and strengths, then there are more chances that the interviewer would elaborate over one or two of them. So, for each asset that you portray, you should prepare an anecdote or example for it.
Your example can be a situation where you utilize that particular asset in order to successfully carry out the project or finish an academic project and such similar jobs.
This will create an impressive mark over the interviewer as he will get to know that you are capable enough to potentially use your inner assets and strengths.
6. Mention A Few Points From Your Resume Related To The Job That You Desire:
If there are certain achievements and accomplishments listed in your resume, then you can also talk about it. You can describe in detail any of the achievements and show how you were responsible to bring quantifiable results in the entire situation.
This illustrates that you comprehend the vitality of your personal contribution towards a task or project.
7. Frame Impressive Answers To Show How You Can Be The Beneficiary To The Organization:
Most of the graduates mainly focus on what they want from the job. But if you will reverse the table, then even the organization would desire some potentialities and skills from you.
So, prepare yourself to answer on how you will be beneficiary to the organization and what is there that makes you superior from others in the lane. It is better to frame tactful and impressive answers so that you don’t miss out the opportunity of getting hired.
8. Make use of right English and accurate vocabulary:
No matter how much attractive personality you have, you are going to crack the interview only if you are able to communicate well with the interviewer.
Pleasing personalities are always welcomed, but at the end it is your work and your communication skills with others that is going to bring fruitful gains to you and to the company.
Make sure that you are using right vocabulary when you talk about your achievements or when you are answering any question.
9. Prepare A Few ‘Go To’ Questions From Your Side:
You are not only required to prepare answers for the questions, but it is essential that you prepare certain formal questions to ask from your side. This will show your strategic thinking ability.
Questions like ‘How major decisions are made within the organization?’, What is the management structure of the organization?’ and more can be asked.
It is wise if you avoid asking questions, the answers of which are available on the company’s website.
10. Practicing Loud For The Interview:
Just like you prepare for an exam or meeting in advance, it is also better to prepare for an interview in prior!
You can practice for your interview with your mentors, adults or in front of the mirror. Don’t get under pressure and even listen to what you are speaking.
This will help you to work on your facial expressions, tone, emphasis and inflections, so that you make best out of your special interview day. Remember, that not all times you will get a second chance.
11. Don’t Judge The Company From Other’s Point Of View:
There are chances that you may not feel excited about getting an entry level job. May be because other experienced persons in your knowledge may give you a bitter taste about it.
But this does not mean, that you have made a perspective before working in that profile on your own. You need to understand that not every job is same, and that you have to start from beginning to climb the whole ladder successfully.
There are full chances that you find the work and organization very interesting and even your decision to get a job brings huge gains to you in future.
12. Show Enthusiasm:
You need to show your enthusiasm regarding your targeted job and organization during the time of interview.
You should show your interest that why working at this job will be beneficiary for your future goals. Only if you are interested in a job, then only you will be able to perform well.
13. Plan Information Interviews:
If you do not want to miss out to your job interview at any cost, then you can even conduct informational interviews with your institute alumni who have or are working in your target field.
You can discuss about the latest trends in that industry and what all it takes to secure success in an interview and during the job.
14. Research About Competition Of The Company As Well:
Researching about the organization is not enough to generate impressive over the interviewer. You should also know about other competitive companies against your target company.
Having brief details about top competitions with your desired company will help you work progressively even when you are hired for the job.
15. Be Self Confident:
You need to stay confident during the time of interview. There are possibilities that the interviewer may throw any negative questions on you like, ‘What are your Weaknesses?, Tell me about incidences when you missed the deadlines?’, and more.
It is vital that you remain confident and answer all questions calmly. Try to end all answers on a positive note, even when the answer is negative.
This is because the interviewer is only testing you on how you react during stressful or negative situations. So, just don’t lose your confidence under all state of affairs.
16. Pay Attention To Your Gestures And Body Language:
You need to watch over your body language, gestures and body movements during the time of interview. It is of utmost importance as even the interviewer is going to judge your confidence and enthusiasm from such gestures.
Make eye contact, shake your hands firmly, and sitting up straight is some of the gestures to adopt to showcase your confidence and interest regarding the job.
17. Listen To The Questions Well Before Answering Them:
Don’t be in a hurry to answer questions that are asked to you. Stay calm, listen to the question fully and then think before you speak. You need to remember that your words and language is going to make an impact over the interviewer.
Being an enthusiast about the job is good, but showing too much excitement can drive things towards the wrong direction. So, think and speak wisely for all questions that are asked to you.
18. Summarize Impressively to Why The Job Is Fit For You:
You are there for the interview because you have applied for it, and you think that you are fit for the job. Now you have to portray the same thing to the interviewer as well, but in an impressive manner. So, to summarize smartly that why you are fit for the job and let the interviewer know the same.
19. Don’t Act Impatient:
Showing too much excitement or impatience is not going to help you crack the interview. Even this seems one of the ways to hide your nervousness during the interview and can create a negative impression over the interviewer.
No matter how willingly you want this job, don’t let such expressions conquer your face. Be relaxed, confident and positive to end your interview on a healthy note.
20. Don’t Make Prior Judgements About The Interviewer:
There are chances that there are more students who are going to be interviewed for the same job.
But you should not talk about the interviewer or about questions asked by students who have already been interviewed. This can make you create a negative image of the interviewer and may even disturb your entire interview.
So, be relaxed and don’t make any sort of judgement on other’s point of view or on prior note.
21. Be Focused And Crystal Clear About Why You Want This Job:
Your job is going to be your first step towards your professional career. Even if it is an entry level job in a small organization, still you need to be clear that why you want this job, why it is essential to you and how it can help you in future.
Every job that you do is a building step towards your career and therefore you cannot make a mistake. So, be clear that why you want this job and illustrate the same to the interviewer as well, if asked.
22. Identify What You Possess To Sell:
Identify what skills, qualities and abilities you have to sell to the employer for this job. You need to tell the interviewer that why you are better fit for this job than others.
Communicate all such aspects to the employer during time of questions that are asked to you.
23. Be Ready To Deal With Any Unexpected Surprise:
There are possibilities that your interview may include any sort of surprise. For instance, there may be more than three interviewers even for an entry level job, or you might be asked to conduct a practical task during the time of interview.
So, be prepared for all possibilities and try to tackle them in a positive and confident manner.
24. Try To Lead The Interview:
An interview does not imply that you are going to answer and answer only. It is a conversation between you and the employer. So, don’t sit quiet if a question is not asked even after a long gap.
You can then try to begin the conversation, by asking questions about the company, job profile, work responsibilities and more.
You need to involve yourself in the conversation and try to share and grasp as much information about the company as possible. This will also show your interest about the job to the employer.
25. Outline A Career Path To Discuss:
You are going for a professional interview and so there are great possibilities that the interviewer may want to know about your career path, or your future expectations. So, be well prepared for it in advance.
Even if this is not being asked in the interview, still you should outline a career path for yourself that consists of goals and achievements that you want to accomplish on your professional front.
26. Be Punctual And Get Primped:
When going for the interview, it is extremely vital that you reach on time. This will showcase how punctual and responsible you are, towards your career and about the job and the organization in which you are going.
Also, it is true that there is no occasion or such, but since it is an important point of your time, so you should make sure to dress well and appear neat, clean and well mannered in front of the interviewer.
27. Don’t Panic Even If You Make A Mistake:
Your interview cannot be perfect, especially when you will have it right after your graduation. Prior to the actual interview, you may feel over pressured, or may miss out mentioning some vital points during the practice.
But no need to panic as, if you make such mistakes during the practice, then you will surely not make them again during your actual interview.
28. Know All What Is There In Your Resume:
Whether you have outlined your resume on your own or you have got it prepared from an external source, it is essential that you go through it once before the final interview.
This is because it may not happen that you don’t remember what all is jot down in your resume in the excitement of the first interview.
29. Don’t Show Loud Expressions When It Comes To Stipend, You Will Get:
It feels great when you get your first salary, but the expressions for the same must not be shown in front of others. When you are being discussed over the salary that you will be offered then you can negotiate for it, if the amount if too less.
Moreover, in case everything suits you then give too loud expressions as this can make you miss out the opportunity of getting hired for your favorite job.
Enthusiasm and energy for the new job are welcome, but do not overdo it.
30. Finish Strong and On A Positive Note:
Always try to end your final point on a positive note and be crystal clear about the fact that you are willing to join the job.
Clarify the work schedule and joining date along with other issues that you want to resolve. Ending on a positive note will definitely create your good image over the interviewer.
31. Smile and Stay Happy:
No matter how confused you get or how much bad your interviewing is going. It is better to smile and stay calm.
Do not allow the confusing and nervous expressions to appear on your face. So, the best thing is to smile and answer all that you know to the interviewer.
32. Follow up with a regarding Gesture:
You can also respond your final thank you via email to the organization, and particularly to the interviewer.
With these tips you can surely create a positive impact over the interviewer, and finally crack the interview to your most desired job after graduation. So, if you really do not want to make it to your preferred job in the first time then prepare well for your interview with these tips and stay optimistic, before, after and during it.