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Basic Software Skills Employers are looking for in Graduates


Employers generally come with a set of Software skills that they think can be useful to the company.

They think these skills are the one which will make them a powerful set of people who will be able to march ahead and show the world that they are the best.

Different companies call for different skills. However, with jobs now becoming integrated into a single parallel streak, the nature of jobs has been barred from differing at so many levels.

There are many skills which are required and utilized by people galore. Software skills, being one of them have been utilized at multi linear levels. This includes the skill of IT and people across all job platforms require this.

Below are some examples of what software skills tend to be:-

software skills employers look

Microsoft Applications:

This is the most basic of skillet which employers demand from their employees. It is the basic word, PowerPoint and excel used across any organization.

It is important to get into the details of these applications and know in detail for example – You should also know how to draw multi-column tables in worse. This is very important and necessary.

Be it a Government job or even private, this forms the basic and most required of the skill set for anyone and everyone. Thus, whenever you hit an interview, you should be ready with at least these basic set of skills.


SAP is software which if known, employers will be very appeased. For those with a good amount of experience in SAP, an Enterprise Resource Planning also known as ERP program will have lots of work in the future.

In fact, many corporations, organizations and industries are greatly demanding SAP professionals, such as the creamiest organizations of aerospace, healthcare and also the defence industries.

It has also been suggested that the demand for SAP professionals is soon going to cross the supply. Thus it is better to learn this. People with experience in SAP HANA in good memory databases are mostly the most in demand.


This is yet raising software that has been demanding from people having utter and good knowledge of mathematics.

At the first place, you may not even be hired.

Tally’s software is basically for financial statements, vouchers and even for taxation in many industries, it also has specialized packages for some good amount of retail businesses.

More advanced capabilities in this sector are found in many enterprise resource and planning packages. Thus, if you are doing C.A, C.S or any other mathematics professional course, it will be considered wise to have a basic knowledge of TALLY.

Adobe Programs:

Adobe is another set of programs which employers demand. Adobe includes phone applications, many web development skills and a lot of their development skills.

Adobe Flex is known to be an open-source program which allows for tabs steady and easy development of many mobile phone applications. This thus tends to be a great addition to the C.V’s of those who already have keen in some web-development skills.

Adobe has an international appeal and thus knowing it is not going to ham you in many ways. It has made several new programs with good software packages that are being sued everywhere right now.

In fact, there is a software called Adobe Captivate which allows users to make some good and old traditional PowerPoint presentations that are more interactive. They include videos and quizzes and some other options.

Another list of software’s on Adobe includes In Design, Photoshop, Flash, Corel Draw, Dreamweaver and even Illustrator. With Publishing, web development, some good marketing, these set of skills are in high demand these days.


This is yet software or a kind of skill set that is being required by people across all the Ines.

It is a very important skill that is in need for developing some web applications and also oath social media outlets.

Java is a well-known and lonely been used web application software. People who have done IT classes must know very well about this software. This skill has been in great demand for a long time.

It is likely to stay popular for a long time to come. As many new organizations are looking for new ways to integrate good social and other outlets into their marketing strategies, there remains much of the room for many IT professionals to suitably earn a living in good Java development. Other web 2.0 technologies also demons for Java

Social Media Skills:

This is yet another set of skills required and demanded by people. They are different in nature and vary according to requirements.

If you are on Facebook, it is a must that you are in possession of these skills. You cannot be unknown of Facebook, twitter and other social media platforms. These skills are very important for people across genres and categories.

The social media skills form the crux of what is required and what is demanded of people. Thus, knowing social media and being in knowledge of these skills becomes very important.


This is not an unknown worked for people who are an expert in IT industry. It requires great skills and great knowledge.

People should be an expert in knowing this and also how to develop and form web applications. They vary and differ according to various requirements. It’s an urgent need by people belonging to various software industries and also there IT sectors.

The software skills is a must for people across various genres. HTML rocks in various categories. HTML is the best requirement for people in various software sectors.


SharePoint is another fairly and largely used program. It is a definite need for those who have keen skills in this area.

SharePoint” and “SharePoint Developer” are the majorly used items given by It is very important that you use other areas that even IT professionals are also good at. It is a very largely used program.

People who have the development route will thus likely want to use this method like .net, XML and also HTML and others. Thus, Share point is an evolving business and a kind of software used by all.

Database Administration:

Knowing and managing database is also yet another software skillet that is required. It is a complete tried-and-tested true IT role.

It is the one that’s always needed and is mandatory in any typical organization. But the great fuss and buzz around big data is what’s making and driving much of today’s demand for people with this eternally required skill.

This is the ability to put all data and accounts together. You cannot say ‘no‘ to these skills. There are many softies which can do this and you have to be one of these people who will require these skills.

People require this skill in Paramount ways. In fact, in many IT staffing firms database management has been considered the skills eternally required and known for people.

In many IT departments, Database management is a basic skill on which people are selected. Thus, knowing this is going to benefit one and all.

Knowing And Possessing Many Mobile Technologies:

Though this skill has come up as something new and unheard of, this is a required skill for many people.

Mobile technologies meaning skills required on various platforms to know about websites that open on mobile phones.

It is yet another technology that is developing and evolving. It is very good and is very different from others.

People who work in news agencies or advertising agencies require this skill and demand for this skill. They call for this and term it as very much required.

One cannot do without this skill if you are working at any mobile agency or any ad agency. Thus this is one of the many required skills needed by people. You cannot let go or do without this skill.

Keeping in Touch With New And Evolving Software Skills:

This is the ultimate need of any software developer or if you are a person who is looking to make his or her career in IT field. It is needed that you develop your software skills and make yourself up to date with this.

Thus these are some of the many skills required and demanded by people. Thus, if you are planning to go in IT or big software companies, remember knowing these skills will defiantly take you ahead.

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