The world is becoming more and more competitive with every single day, people have to work hard to earn their living, and a person can have a good and secured future if he has a good and secured job. To get a good job a person does his education, then he prepares himself to get a good job. To get a good job, most of the people assume that they need to be very much qualified, but in reality it is not the fact, though your qualification matters, but more over your skills and profitability to the company matters the most for your selection in a good company.

Interview: Your first step towards a bright career
The interview is one such stage, which actually decides your future lifestyle, more over it decides about the job for which you have come for. Many people assume the interview to be the toughest part of life, whereas if prepared well then an interview can be easily cracked and you can get the desired job for a better future.
So ultimately, it all depends upon your preparation and hard work for the interview, let us see some of the insights of the interview and its preparation below.
Interview and its preparation:
When you prepare yourself for the interview, then you need to make sure that you can resist high pressure and intense atmosphere that the interviewers creates, so that they can know each and everything about you.
Therefore, you need to prepare your mind in such a manner so that you do not sit numb and blank faced when the interviewer asks the tricky questions. Yes, the tricky questions, a majority of people are not aware of the fact that the interviewer always asks the tricky questions, which are generally hard to understand and answer in the right manner, and because of this very reason, they fail in passing successfully through the interview.
One of the most commonly asked questions by the interviewer is, “Do you have any questions for me?” before we proceed with how to answer this question, let us understand the reason behind asking this question and the common mistakes that a person makes while answering this question.
The intention of the interviewer behind asking, “Do you have any questions for me?”
It is not a general question, which an interviewer asks to any of the candidates. There can be many different reasons behind asking this question, let us discuss some of the important reasons below:
1. This question can be asked when the interviewer feels that he has something missed to ask during the whole interview or when he is not clear about you and your abilities, so he will ask this to know more about you.
2. In a situation when your answers are a bit confusing and the interviewer is not able to predict about you and how you will be beneficial for the company, so he may ask you this question so that he can clearly understand more about the thoughts that prevails in your mind at that point of time.
3. It could also be an open discussion about your expectations of salary from the company. This is generally when the interviewer has offered you and then you are sitting and thinking about your pay, so at that point of time the interviewer can ask you, “do you have any questions for me?”
4. This question can also come up when the interviewer has explained a certain program or the working of the company and he feels that you are still confused or are not paying proper attention and focus on the ongoing discussion.
5. It can be simply asked from you in order to know that to what extend your positive thoughts go for the benefits of the company or you are totally self concerned and only looking for self benefit.
So, these were some of the common situations where the interviewer can come up with the question, “do you have any questions for me?” and most of the candidates land up in giving wrong answers which are totally not appropriate to give in that particular situation and finally lose the job offer. Let us now see the mistakes that most of the people do while answering this question.
Mistakes and Answers NOT to give when asked, “Do you have any question for me?”
1. How many leaves and vacations will I get?
Most of the people reply this very general reply to the interviewer, but by doing this you yourself cut short your chance of passing successfully thought the interview.
The interviewer gets annoyed and a general thought comes in his mind that, even before getting selected in the interview the candidate is looking for leaves and vacations, where as the company and business demands of people who are always ready to do their work, not the people who are actually always ready to take leaves and vacations..
2. How much will be my salary?
This is one of the most common mistakes, which people make because of the eagerness to know the pay. The eagerness to know the pay for the job is obvious and the interviewer understands that but everything has a right time to be asked or discussed.
When you prompt up first with this question, then it forms an image that you are only coming for the paychecks and you do not even bother about the working and benefits for the company.
3. What is the duration of the lunch break or the break time?
This is directly giving the interviewer a chance to reject you straight away without making any further discussions. This is because when you ask this question to the interviewer, then he thinks that you are a very time concerned person and a clock-watcher who will run the very next minute as his shift gets over, without even completing the pending or the given work.
4. No thanks that was all ok from your end.
When a person replies with this answer and thinks, that avoided the future questioning from the interviewer in a smart way, then he is WRONG. This is a very wrong misconception that most of the people have in their mind.
When you reply with this answer, then it clearly shows that you are avoiding the further discussion and you do not have any views for the company because of poor preparation and no research done on the company’s profile.
5. What will the medical and other benefits that I will be getting from the company?
This is a very selfish question, which you need not to ask to the interviewer, because when you are facing the interview, you are on the verge of being the part of the company, but you are still not a part of the company at that point of time.
So asking about the benefits and other advantages will be a wrong question to ask during the interview.
Answers and Questions that can be asked to the interviewer for, “Do you have any questions for me?”
1. What do you expect to achieve in the next upcoming 3 or 6 months?
When you ask this question to the interview then he gets a very positive impression from your side because this directly shows your interest in accomplishing and working hard for the benefits of the company, which is actually, what every interviewer is looking for.
Moreover, it also shows that you have many profitable and beneficial planning that is going on in your mind.
2. What kind of skills and qualities you are actually looking in a candidate?
This is one of the best questions that you can ask to the interviewer because by doing this you get to know the expectations of the interviewer from the candidates and you also get another chance to express all your matching skills and qualities that the interviewer is looking for.
This is a very clever question as it gives you another short to prove yourself worthy and beneficial for the company and the business.
3. How does this specific post effects the overall growth of the company or to what extend is this post contributing in the growth of the company?
When you ask this question to the interviewer then you form a very concerning and bothered image in the interviewer’s mind because it show that you are looking for something big.
And you will work hard to achieve your goals for the specific post so that the company can get higher benefits and increased growth.
4. How much effort do I have to put for being successful in the respected post?
Interviewer will love to answer this question because he will assume that you are up to put your best and will give the best performance and result if hired for this post. Moreover, you will actually get a clue of the amount of efforts that you practically need to put for the respected post in the company.
When you are well aware of the hard work that you need to put for accomplishing your goals, then you can easily modify your mindset for doing more accurate and précised work.
5. What kind of improvements are you expecting from my end to become a perfect fit for this post?
Now you are actually thinking cleverly, this is a very minded question, that you can ask to the interviewer when you feel that the interview was successful and you have chances of passing through it for the particular post.
This question eliminates all the negative thoughts from the interviewer’s mind and he sees you as a better option for the company who is ready to accept the changes even before being the working member of the company for the respected post.
6. How the workers and the work environment of the company are? Moreover, what kind of working do I need to do to accomplish all the goals?
This clearly shows your great interest in working with the company to achieve higher goals and turn beneficial for the company.
It also gives you a clear description of the type of the work that you need to do in the company and you get a bit familiar with the team members and working environment of the company.
7. What are the short term and long terms goals of the job?
This is a good question to start a healthy discussion with the interviewer as he feels no offense from your end and will openly tell you all the challenges that you need to face when you become the active member of the company and staff.
8. What is the best thing that you love working with this particular company?
As everyone loves to talk about himself, the interviewer will also feel delighted and open to tell about all the things about the environment of the company. This also enables all the information of the culture and the people of the company with whom you are going to work with and the working environment of the company.
This will help you to make out that, will you fit perfect for the respected job? or Is the environment comfortable enough for you to work in?.
These are some of the questions that you can ask to the interviewer while giving the interview. The question, “do you have any questions for me?” truly depends up on the situation that you have created during your interview. Only some people are asked such questions because they create such an image in the interviewer’s mind that they fell like knowing more what exactly is in your mind.
The question perfectly serves the situation and people who are not prepared for it before hand are the ones who land up answering the wrong way and finally fail in getting through the interview.
So remember when you are going for an interview you need to prepare well and create a mindset to handle all the questions in a positive and beneficial manner for the company, this will help you to get the desired job.