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How to Answer Where You Want to be In Five Years Question


‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ interview question is commonly asked in most interviews. Yet, very few people are able to answer this question satisfactorily. This is because most candidates become either too nervous or too excited and do not try to evaluate the reason for asking the question before answering it.

where you be in 5 years

As a candidate appearing for a job interview, you must know that all career goals interview questions are posed with a certain intention. You need to keep focus and ask yourself a simple question, ‘why do interviewers ask this question?’

Why Do Interviewers Ask “Where Do You See Yourself in Five years” Question?

There are many objectives behind asking this simple question. Here we have listed a few of the major reasons behind asking this question.

To Know Whether You Are Ambitious:

The firms always want candidates who are ambitious and wish to achieve success. They seek excellence and try to sort out the exceptional candidates from the mediocre ones. This question tries to know which category you belong. If you answer this question foolishly, you may lose a chance to score in the interview.

To Know Whether You Are Confident:

Yes, testing your confidence is surely one of the major goals of asking questions regarding your future career plans and aspirations. They wish to see whether you are confident that you will achieve your long-term career goals. In such a situation, it is not just important to provide a convincing answer to the question. It is also important that you present the answer confidently.

When you reply to this question, do not waver or fumble. Be firm and confident while answering. If you need time to think, ask the interviewers to give you that time.

To Know Whether You Possess Foresight:

Foresight is something most people lack in the modern world. Today’s generation is so busy with the present that they are unable to think about the future career goals. This is not what the companies want. They want individuals who plan their present and their future completely. They look for people who have clear plans even for the days to come. When you reply to questions about where do you see yourself in 5 years, reply in a manner that the interviewers feel you possess foresight. They should think you have already planned everything and know exactly where you are heading.

To Know Whether You Are Professional in Your Attitude:

There are some occasions when answering a question is not really easy. Your attitude easily reflects in the way you answer questions. If you are professional in your attitude, you will make sure that while your answer will reflect your confidence, it will still be mature and not too over confident.

Frame the answer in a way that appears sensible. Don’t speak like you have by-hearted the answer. Speak thoughtfully and sensibly.

Ways to Frame Your Answer To Convince Them You Are An Eligible Candidate:

There are many ways to answer the same question. How you frame the answer creates an instant impression on the interviewers. While the perfect answer depends on the situation and the interviewer’s attitude, here we have listed a few sample answers that may impress the interviewer and qualify you to the next round. These answers are framed keeping in mind, candidates applying for different positions or designations.

Answer By A Developer:

‘I wish to lead an IT firm that develops apps for travellers so that all their travelling needs are catered even at the remotest locations in the click of a fingertip. Today, the apps are all in their nascent stages. While there are many companies that realise the importance of developing a useful app, very few actually create apps that prove upto the expectations of the clients. In a period of five years, I am sure I will be able to achieve this goal and set an example to the world.’

This answer shows the knowledge and deep insight of a software developer. It surely strengthens your profile during a job interview.

Answer By An Interior Designer:

‘I wish to get linked to some builders or big property companies. This way, I will be able to use my creative skills to design the homes of celebrities and prominent names in the industry. I chose the interior designing field because it helps me explore my artistic and creative skills.
If I do not find a firm or company that appreciates my skills, I would prefer to start off independently. Either ways, 5 years from now I wish to be a reputed brand in the world of interior designing.’

It is an answer that clearly reveals your faith in your own skills and abilities. It shows the interviewers you know what you want from your career.

Answer By A Bank Officer:

‘I wish to become the bank manager of this bank, in five years from now. There are many changes that I wish to make in the way this bank functions. If I become the manager, my initiatives to change the functioning of the bank is sure to improve the bank’s reputation and gain more customers for the bank.’

This answer shows that you know the management of the bank as well as what it actually lacks. The recruiters will be convinced that you are an ideal choice for a bank that wishes to improve and succeed.

Answer By A Web Content Writer:

‘I am starting off as a web content writer but this is just the beginning to my writing career. I wish to start a website of my own where I can provide an opportunity to writers to exhibit their skills. I would also like to explore the opportunities to earn online through content.
In five years time, I will have sufficient reputation in the writing field and it won’t be difficult to start off something of my own.’

There are several individuals who take up content writing just as a temporary option. The interviewers ask this question to understand whether you have long term aspirations relating to the writing field. The above answer is sure to clear all their doubts.

Answer By A Budding Photographer:

‘I wish to be the chief of photography for one of the prominent online magazines. While there are many online magazines today, there would be few that last for five years retaining their reputation.

I wish to be the creative and photography head so that I can plan the photography for ad campaigns and website design initiatives. I also wish to be a part of mobile designing campaigns.’

This is a clear answer that reveals your reason to take up photography as a career. It also throws light on your dreams for the future. It also shows your clear view about the future prospects and the ways to advance in your career.

Answer By an SEO Intern:

‘I am just learning the nuances of the career as a search engine optimiser. I wish to understand what tactic would help to create websites that are best for the viewers and the audiences.
In a five years time period, I would like to gain expertise in the field of SEO. I would like to eliminate all the black hat techniques and come up with ways that are truly ethical and reliable. I would like to develop some strategy that is equally helpful to the audiences as well as the business owners.’

Interviewers are sure to be impressed by such answers. They will be happy to find their ideal candidate when you answer effectively.

Answer By A Sales Fresher:

‘In a five years time, I would like to be the Director of Sales in one of the prominent firms. Being the sales head, I would like to use the internet more intensely and effectively to ensure increased and ethical sales of products.

I wish to start of as a sales executive for fashion products. I believe that without knowledge of the products and services I would be selling, I can never come up with the right methods. Hence, I can achieve my goal only if I start as a Sales Executive.’

Sales people need to dream big. They should have the courage to aspire huge success. Only such candidates can succeed in sales career. Hence, such an answer is sure to impress interviewers when this question is asked.

The Significance of First Five Years of Any Career:

The initial five years are the most significant years of your career. How you perform in these five years decides how good you are as a candidate. People who plan well and know what they are going to do in the first five years of the career succeed easily.
It is also observed that individuals make a lot of changes and switching in the first five years of their careers and do not have a very stable career graph.

People who understand the importance of having a stable career graph in the first five years and who manage to reveal this in their answers can make it through such questions during interview rounds.



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