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Working in an Office: 14 Advantages and Disadvantages


The first thing that comes to our mind when we use the word ‘office’ is a region or sector where service related to bureaucracy and commerce is carried out. It is a location of management and organization.

Important and compulsory duties are carried out here under the supervision of a head. Work is distributed among the staff members and a monthly salary is attached to the job for maintaining a decent lifestyle and standard of living.

But the bigger question here is,

Is working in an office a blessing or a problem?

According to a few surveys, both the sides have quite substantial arguments to put forward. It might look very productive from one angle but the other angle says a different story.

On that note, let’s discover some of the top advantages and disadvantages that come with working in an office environment.

advantages disadvantages working in an office

Advantages of Working in an Office:

1. Time Management:

One of the most wonderful and beneficial things an office environment can teach you is time management. Offices usually have fixed hours for work, lunch and tea break.

The minute you become a staff member in an office, you are made to work according to the time slot. Here your mind will slowly begin to process according to the working hours provided. This will also help you learn about maintaining punctuality.

If you are someone who finds it extremely difficult to discipline yourself, working in an office would definitely be suitable for you. You will be taught how to begin and end on time.

2. Behavior and Interpersonal Skills:

A second benefit that comes with working in an office is learning how to behave yourself in front of others.

When you are surrounded by a group of people, you automatically become alert and conscious of yourself. This is also an opportunity for you to learn about relationships with colleagues and the ways in which you can maintain them.

Your communication and interpersonal skills are boosted as well. These aspects are crucial not just to the environment you work in but also to yourself.

In order to establish your reputation, you must learn how to behave like a professional. Proper discipline is needed so that you can handle conversations with employers, staff and subordinates.

So the moment you step inside an office, remember to create a warm and friendly impression.

3. Become More Experienced:

The best thing about working in an office is the excitement of learning something new on a regular basis. Here you will learn to become an experienced and diplomatic person. Good experience always helps you reach the top since business sectors find experienced individuals to be responsible and trustworthy.

4. Become Creative:

Working in an office environment helps you build new ideas and expand your knowledge. Here you have the opportunity to investigate and learn different kinds of approaches, methods, and techniques.

It will push you to pursue brilliance and to outlive all adversities, especially in an environment that is so full of challenges.

In an office environment, you will always have the chance to explore different fields, work on a whole variety of projects and learn a bit about research too. Offices are the best way to boost your creative skills.

5. Boost Your Understanding Towards The Company:

An office environment is always beneficial for those people who are keen on learning about the company. If you are planning to work for a very long period of time, then an office job would be a great opportunity to know everything about them.

Those who have an office set up at home keep contact very limited. Either it is through telephone, fax or a couple of emails. They aren’t able to meet people physically or enjoy the environment. This is where office workers maximize their benefits.

They meet daily throughout the week and build better lines of communication than those who don’t.

6. Easier to speak to seniors and employees:

When you are working in an office, it is obviously much easier to meet all employers and colleagues. It is easy to get in touch with them when the need arises and speak about matters related to the company.

Your seniors will have a definite idea on what you are doing as you will update him/her on all important matters. Not just that, you won’t have to email or call them anymore to deliver vital chunks of information.

Most people prefer to speak face to face than keeping in touch through emails and texts.

7. Helps You Understand Business In A Better Way:

There is no way to understand business than working in an office. Here you will be made to understand how business transactions are handled, its management and the techniques that are used to run the business in the most effective manner

When you are working, it will be your duty to handle important files. Here you will learn a lot about the company, its current position in the market and its history.

This might also help you in the future, especially when the company asks for your help.

8. The Right Networking:

When you work in an office, you have the opportunity to know everyone around you. You also get to meet more people.

Whether they are vendors or contractors, this is crucial for you since you can develop better relationships and finish your work at a faster pace. Remember there are many advantages and disadvantages of working in a team.

However, always be kind and cordial to the customers you are handling. After all, the company doesn’t want to lose out on any of its sources.

9. You Get Your Own Cubicle:

Working at the office gives you your own space and some privacy. When you have your own cubicle with a personal computer, you can keep things confidential and work better.

Not just that, you will be able to impress your clients since the work speed will be boosted and you will be improving day by day in terms of efficiency.

Having a personal office space and working in an office on your own is a great way to get work done within the shortest period of time.

Disadvantages of Working in an Office:

Working in an office environment comes with several dangers too. Like any other employment opportunity, there are a few side effects you should be mindful of. Here are a couple you should know.

1. Injuries:

This might sound surprising to most of you but working in an office actually makes you prone to slips and injuries. Accidents are most likely to occur here.

According to the HSC statistics, 30 % of tripping and falling accidents are dedicated to office workers.

This is why it is very important for the company to make sure that everyone is safe and that all facilities are provided to workers and clients.

2. Strains Your Eyes:

Another side effect of working in an office is that it strains your eyes. This is because you have to look at the computer screen throughout. This could actually damage your vision in the long run or cause you to wear specs. No wonder so many office workers today wear contact lenses or specs.

3. Encourages a sedentary lifestyle:

One of the worst side effects of working in an office is that it encourages a sedentary lifestyle. You are sitting at your desk all day while trying to finish a project. This makes you a lazier person as you don’t walk around or do any chores.

Not just that, it strains your neck and back. Desk work in an office is also one of the biggest reasons behind obesity.

4. Ruins Relationships At Times:

Dealing with the same people on a regular basis in your office could actually ruin your relationship with them. This occurs due to the secret rivalry between the colleagues or because it gets monotonous to see the same faces every day.

5. Payment could be less:

If you are working in a small company, there are chances the payment will be very less. You will be only paid more if you are working for a multinational corporation, that too for a very high post.

List of Jobs Working in an Office:

Many people wish to work in offices, as they feel it is one of the respected forms of employment. The desk jobs with temperature-controlled offices and comfort will surely attract any employee to work there.

Though we agree that every job type has its own dignity and moreover there are many outdoor jobs which will pay you much better than office jobs, still most of the people like to work in an office atmosphere. It is because the comfort that you receive while working in an office cannot be found elsewhere.

Even many employers have provided flexibility to work from home opportunities to employees understanding their needs and requirements, not all kinds of jobs fit that criteria. Here are a few jobs that you need to be done in an office.

Some of them are,

  1. Auditing and Accounting
  2. Receptionist and Scheduler
  3. Medical Office Worker
  4. General Office Clerk
  5. Office Administrative Assistant
  6. Drafting and Design Technician
  7. Customer Service Representative
  8. Insurance Agent and Examiner
  9. Receptionist
  10. Office Manager
  11. Call Center
  12. Medical Receptionist


Working in an office environment certainly comes with several advantages. But like any other job opportunity, they have some downsides too. When you are working with a group of people, you are under constant speculation. You are also prone to judgement.

The worst disadvantage could be if you have a tough time getting along with colleagues. But look at the brighter side of it! You can speak to your clients and maintain contact with your colleagues. You will be working with some who know you.

This will definitely become a family type environment for you. So before you make the final decision, remember to weigh the pros and cons of everything. Think about it! This brings us to the end of the post.

If you have questions, feel free to comment.


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