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Top Careers or Jobs That Pay $50 an Hour


The main reason for going to work is to earn and to have a good living. Have you ever heard that someone is turning down their promotion or raise? Careers are driven by money and it is one of the important factor motivates everyone when it comes to opting a career.

Whether you’re on salary or hourly, your earnings often reflect the time you put in. While the minimum wage in the U.S. stands at $7.25 an hour, some careers far exceed that threshold. Explore our list of top jobs paying $50 an hour and beyond. And if you’re curious about your potential take-home pay, don’t miss our Payroll Calculator — it’s the perfect tool to gauge your financial prospects! Here are top careers that pay $50 an hour.

Jobs That Pay $50 an Hour

Jobs That Pay $50 an Hour:

Top Executive:

If you want to rise to the top of the corporate ladder then becoming a top executive will be right up your path. Create strategies and develop policies which helps the company to meet their goals. There needs a lot of planning and hard work involved to be a strong leader.

You need to constantly make sure the company is operating based on current goals, manage risks, daily tasks and supervise budgets and resources.

These people are responsible for everything right from finances to technology so they get an earnings of $120 per hour. These executives hold a master’s or bachelor’s degree in business or in a relevant field.

Clinical Psychologist:

A clinical psychologist will work in a variety of settings. Some may work from home or private offices and few work within prisons or hospitals.

Since clinical psychology is broad and it will mainly concentrate on treating mental health conditions though various therapy options and medication, diagnosing mental health conditions and conducting and publishing related search.

If you are interested in human behavior and fat wallet then this is the right path to look for. They earn a hefty income but they dramatically impact the lives of so many.

The competition is extremely high to get into a doctoral program so you deserve every penny which you make at the end of your studies. It will be between $50 and $100 (as per AOL jobs).


A judge will deal with different roles related to law. They not only need to interpret law within the courtroom but also controls how trails operate, reviews evidence and makes decision based on law and evidence produced in the court.

After working as lawyer for many years they can be appointed as judges. Few become judges after working as a professor of law. As said earlier, to become a lawyer, you have to attend a law school and qualify the bar exam.

Federal judges are appointed federally and provincially, family judges are appointed provincially.

You need to be a member of the bar for minimum of 10 years in order to become a federally appointed judge.

There will be a change in terms of minimum requirement, however all the judges must be fair, impartial and thoughtful.

According to Sokanu’s report, in New Jersey judges will earn about $61.03 per hour, and $80.94 in California.


A dentist has to diagnose gum diseases and tooth decay, clean and polish teeth, repair jaw fractures, extract or fill teeth and perform minor surgeries.

To become dentist you need to earn your bachelor’s degree and complete four years of dental school. Once you are done with schooling, you will be a doctor within dental surgery and dental medicine.

As per BLS, it is expected to raise a 16% of dentist jobs between now and 2022 and it can be expected to earn an average $71.79 per hour.


Lawyers always have work and tend to make a good amount of money. For settling a divorce case, sue a company, build a new office building and all such cases, we will need a lawyer.

The lawyer will generally advise and protect your clients, collect proofs, replicate clients in courts and draw up legal documents.

The lawyer will special focus on area that support their skills, strength and values. Few may focus on family cases while others on technology. To become a lawyer you have to complete an undergraduate degree, move to law school and qualify state bar exam.

The average hourly wage for lawyer is $64.17,(as per the U.S Bureau of labor statistics).

Computer Systems Manager:

This is a perfect career for the people who are well versed with computers and can be able to resolve the issues quickly. The systems manager has to backup important data, organize the computer based needs of a company, gives possible solution to different IT related problems, oversee installations and purchase both software and hardware.

Good money is paid to these managers because they need to have an MBA inorder to pass. Saying this, so many figure out work with the help of a bachelor’s degree in information science.

Along with your education, you need some formal experience in order to get experience the highest paying opportunities.

On Average, these managers earn around $58.15 per hour.


Pharmacist has to give away medicines which are prescribed by the doctors. They have to clearly instruct customers on how to take prescriptions and warn them about potential side effects and the dangers of mixing doses.

A pharmacist monitors and supervises the medical supply also.

You need to be friendly and knowledgeable because this is field where you have to interact with a wide range of people. You should complete a minimum of three years in undergraduate studies and focus on science-based courses. After that completed four years of pharma school to earn a doctor of pharmacy. In this field, you can expect $56 per hour, according to the BLS.


The optometrist will perform eye examination, identifying vision issues and eye diseases and prescribe contact lenses and glasses. They also treat different eye diseases or complications.

To become a optometrist you must attend an optometry school for minimum of 4 years. All these programs are highly competitive.

The individuals who opt for the Doctor of Optometry program have to do a bachelor’s degree prior to applying from one of the 21 accredited schools and colleges of optometry throughout the U.S

The average salary for optometrists in the U.S is $56 per hour.

Human Resources Manager:

HR mangers earn an average of $100,000 a year and about $54.88 per hour (According to BLS).

They hire and train people within various settings such as schools, corporations, hospitals, government facilities, factories etc. These people are responsible for training programs and ensuring all necessary paperwork is filled out by employees. The human resource manager develops new policies as well.

All these duties are important but the greatest portion of the time would be spent in addressing the issues and needs of their employees. So that is the reason it is critical to be people person and have strong social skills in this position.

The size of company is taken into consideration, either to work as a single HR manager or work within a team of other managers. The HR manager must have a degree in education, business or finance.

Sales Manager:

The sales manager has to organize and lead the company’s sales team. They analyze data and constantly set new goals based on sales and develop training programs.

You need to work as a sales representative first and gain required experience and knowledge to become a sales manager . As you are wholly responsible for making the team to meet sales goals, it is important to know how to make a sale and close a deal.

Mostly, organizations look for a mix of education and experience. A minimum of 5 years of sales experience is required. However, employer will also look for a degree in advertising, business or in another similar field.

In the end, an exception will be there for the one whose track record shows great numbers and a high rate of closures. When coming to sales few individuals are natural. If you are one among them, then you can become a sales manager and can make $50 per hour as per BLS.

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