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14 Awesome Tips to maintain Eye Health and Safety at Work


Technology has changed the world and the way it functions. Things that looked impossible earlier have become possible now.

Connecting with the world in a click is a huge advantage. Business productivities have been enhanced hugely and it has changed the way we see the world.

Staring at the screens for a long time affects our eyes adversely. Working in hazardous environments like chemical plants also poses risks to our eyes.

Eyes are a crucial organ and improper eye health and negligence can lead to reduced vision and even, blindness. People undervalue the impact of lifestyle on our health and do not pay much attention to it.

However, some points can be taken care of to alleviate the stress on our eyes and reduce it to the minimum.

tips to maintain eye healthEye Health and Safety at Work:

1.Use proper lighting:

Lights that are extremely bright as well as extremely dim, both are harmful to the eyes. Improper and inappropriate lighting causes squinting, frequent headaches and discomfort to the eyes and strained eye muscles.

Resulting stress can cause serious problems. Therefore, it is very important to have the correct amount of light in the place where you are working.

It is applicable for both online and offline working conditions as doing anything that causes strain is harmful, be it involving looking at a screen or something as simple as reading a paper.

2.Enlarge text:

Small fonts strain the eyes while working on computers. Hence while working on the computer for longer periods, it is best to enlarge the text that you are working on or reading to reduce eye strain.

For web pages that are cramped, they can be pulled over to your favourite text editor to have larger text size. If you have to squint while reading or feel discomfort while reading, it is the time to enlarge the text.

3. Read offline:

Intense readings on the computer aren’t ideal for productivity because they tire out the eyes which eventually lead to fatigue.

When you need to focus on a lengthier text piece, article or anything, take a print out in a comfortable printing size and then you can read it at your convenience.

Another way is to read by saving the page in offline mode and then reading it at own pace and size.

4. Re position your monitor:

monitor position eye strain A bad desk layout is one of the most common causes of eye strain, and also the easiest to fix.

The eyes should be in line with or around the area which is just below the top of your computer screen.

The distance should be approximately 30 inches from your eyes. That way your eyes won’t have to be as open (and exposed) in order for you to see the things written on the screen.

Adjust your seat level, monitor level to ensure this appropriate setting to reduce eye strain to the least possible

5. Blink your eyes:

When we look at the screen for a long time, we forget to blink. If the natural rate of blinking is 12 times, you would blink only 4 times when staring at a screen.

Hence, it is important to remember to blink the eyes. It lubricates the eyes and keeps them from being dry or irritated.

6. Palming:

Massaging your eyes with your palms at frequent intervals is an effective way of resting the eyes. Just cover your eyes with your hands and massage slowly.

Another way is to rub the palms together so that they warm up and then keep them on the eyes for atleast 40 seconds.

It is a Yoga technique and simple to do which does not take much time. It relaxes the eyes and its muscles.

7. Follow 20-20-20 rule:

Computer is a machine, but we are not. We are humans and our body need rest at regular intervals.

Taking breaks is a way to provide rest to the body, but apart from that, you need your eyes to rest too. The rule 20-20-20 simplifies it.

After working for every 20 minutes, take a break for 20 seconds from the screen. During those 20 second breaks, look at something that approximately 20 feet away from you. Of course the distance can vary but the objective of resting the eyes is achieved.

8. Adjust brightness and contrast settings:

brightness level for eyes Monitor settings can be changed as per your convenience. If the eyes get strained after working for a short interval or your face discomfort in reading, it indicates that it is time to change the brightness setting of the screen.

The balance that is easiest on the eyes should be selected. Adjust the setting of the screen until the right color balance is found.

Any webpage material that is harsh on the eyes can be copied and pasted at a text editor to be read with colour tones that are easy on our eyes.

9. Use eye drops:

Irritated eyes and dry eyes aggravate the problem. The first step of weakening of eyes begins with dry eyes. Hence, eye drops should be used to hydrate and freshen the eyes.

Caring for them is better than leaving the condition to worsen. They are available in the market and should be used regularly for those suffering from dry eyes.

10. Wear protective eye gear:

Avoidable blindness also results from poor eye safety and carelessness. Protecting your eyes from harmful substances is central to avoiding blindness.

This includes protection from injurious chemicals, wearing defensive eyewear while working with dangerous tools ,avoiding firecrackers or playing sports.

Sports and work injuries are preventable by using proper safety gear. Working in chemical industries, iron and steel plants, construction plants, wood working sites etc. poses serious risks of vision loss and wearing proper safety masks, eye gears can prevent such related injuries.

11. Use anti glare equipments:

Computer screens, laptops and mobile screens emit a lot of glare and that makes working on them for longer hours painful for the eyes.

Eyes get itchy, red and even swell sometimes. To prevent this, use anti glare screens to reduce the harmful effect of screens on your yes and protect your eyes from this stress.

12. Wear goggles:

goggles for eye protection People think that wearing safety glasses at work is necessary but at least 50% of injuries are based at home.

Goggles should be worn even at home and during tasks like sawing, sanding, nailing, painting, drillings and even cleaning the microwave.

Chemicals used in such tasks are strong enough to damage the eyes and wearing sunglasses will protect the eyes. People working in outdoor conditions are exposed to sun and its harmful rays.

Sun Rays contain UV which is extremely harmful for the eyes and skin. Hence, wearing sunglasses in the sun with UV protection in outdoor working conditions is a must.

13. Get regular check ups:

The ones who wears correct eye wear need to get their eyes checked annually but also the people who work for long hours staring on the screens of their laptops, computers should get a eye health checkup done to ensure that preventive action is taken in case there is beginning of any eye related problem.

You need to go to the doctor if you have symptoms like persistent pain behind or inside the eyes, redness or difficulty in seeing things. Avoiding or delaying this will only worsen the condition and do nothing good for the eyes.

14. Have vitamins:

Vitamins are an essential need of our body and all its organs. Vitamins should be taken, especially those for eyes as it gives the eyes an extra boost after stressing them all day long at work.

Nowadays, solutions that contain eye vitamins are readily available in the market and can be used to maintain the health of the eyes.

In today’s world where most people are unaware of key facts around avoidable blindness, safety of the eyes becomes a major issue. However, it can be done by making small and simple lifestyle adjustments which will go a long way in maintaining good eye health and avoiding blindness. Following the above mentioned easy, practical steps can be taken to safeguard your eye sight for a long time to come.


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