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How to Prepare for and Attend Interviews: 19 Tips


Preparing for an interview could be really tough, the pressure and stress takes over your mind where you just need to go in a room and have a nervous breakdown. This will do nothing but make your interview worse than you already imagined in your head.

All you have to do is breathe in, calm your mind, body, and soul; leaving your breath out. That will help you more than crying.

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Prepare Attend Interviews Tips

19 Ultimate Interview Preparation Tips and Hints:

1. Research on the company:

It is important for you to know that where you work is not a scam company because if you choose to work there you know exactly what will happen.

Unless the company is known, you need to have a complete background check about the company, read comments to see what have people experienced through this company.

Ask the people who works in the company. Know the job profile of the interviewer. Extra hard work will for sure save you the weeping later.

2. Be inquisitive:

Being inquisitive will form a good impression of you on the interviewer. Build up a conversation with your interviewer by asking questions. Ask about future prospects, show your interest in what they are talking, and don’t always nod to and listening to them as they might on their own, presume that you are not listening while your attention is totally focused on them. One mistake may lead to not having the job.

3. Role play:

You need to practice the whole scenario with anyone who is willing to help you get through this interview with flying colours. The practice will boost up your confidence and will help you better with the actual interview.

As they say “practice makes man perfect” so, there are chances you may nail this interview if you practice it with your friend or anyone. Practice allows you to get feedback through the one who is helping you get through this and will aid you to polish yourself.

4. Prepare the list of questions:

We all know the signature questions that the interviewer may ask you, jot those down and prepare yourself with the best and convincing answers, so you don’t have to sit there and think for a perfect and convincing answer.

Interviewers expect a very well structured impressive answer. You don’t use the words you use daily, they should be fluent. Especially if the company is well known. They look for quality in the interviewee who sits in front of them. They are hard to impress but if you go all prepared then you’re the man.

5. Describe yourself:

They would also obviously want to check with your background so they will ask you about yourself and when they ask that, it doesn’t mean you tell them your whole life story. Keep it short, simple and ofcourse impressive.

Tell them about your past experiences with the jobs you have done, your achievements in life, convince them you can be a good employee by answering positively to the negative questions also. Make them believe you are good enough for their company. Your resume displays the basics so obviously start off with the specific information.

6. Pack the important:

It will be a shame if you went there and asked them for a pen and paper, the immediate thought that will come to their mind is that you are “irresponsible” if you can’t carry a pen and a book how is it possible for you to work in their company. Carry a copy of your resume! carry as much as you maybe a bunch if possible. It is important!

7. Arrive early:

Arrive at least 15 minutes earlier than the given time, so you can take in the environment and feel a little comfortable before going in to give an interview. If you are delayed then call them before hand and tell them the reason why you are late, that way they will also know you are not “irresponsible” after all.

8. If you already have a job and looking for elsewhere:

Schedule for the interview during the lunch if the location is close and ask them how much time will it take and then conclude if it’s okay for you to go or no.

If that doesn’t work for you then go and speak to the boss himself, don’t lie and just tell them the truth about the interview in another company because faking someone’s death and lying about a problem that can be fixed will not let you go anywhere.

Tell him a day before by saying you will work late today because you have an interview to attend the next day that makes more sense and genuine.

9. Don’t agree on an inappropriate timing:

Do not agree on an inappropriate timing because what if you might not make it that will just ruin your impression in front of them. You can always ask for another day for an interview. Don’t give them hopes of you coming, tell them you will “try” to rearrange the schedule but don’t promise them anything at all.

After you have confirmed whether you can make it or not; call/ mail them immediately and tell them about your availability for the interview. If you are highly interested in the job where the interviewer has asked you to cancel all the other plans that you had for that day and come no matter what then you have to make that sacrifice and go to the interview or else you lose the job.

10. Dressing up:

You cannot dress up casually and walk in an interview! Know your dress code for the interview. Dress to impress. Maybe you were spectacular at answering questions and being interactive but you are still rejected, why? Look at yourself once again and all the questions will be answered.

Your clothes were not good enough for them. Your clothes should scream “classy and elegance” out loud and should pour with confidence. Dressing up professionally could be a task. For women, a knee length skirt suit closed shoes and subtle makeup. For men, white shirt, dark coloured suit, tie and dark shoes.

11. Look your best:

The next day will be really important so take a nap earlier than your usual time because you have to wake up early to get there on time and also after a good sleep you will feel relaxed and happy. You need to be more alert because it’s your big day, so eat well and healthy.

Try consuming a lot of nuts and seeds so that your brain functions actively. As soon as you wake up try relaxing the tension in your body. Opt for yoga or exercises to feel healthy and active for the interview. Your face should look fresh and not dull. You need to be presentable from top to bottom for the interview.

12. Come without obligations:

It’s best if you showed up at the interview on yourself because the stress of the interview is enough for you to stumble upon your words, getting someone along will just add up to it.

You will be worried about dragging them into this and now they will have to wait for too long because of you and all these thoughts will just go in your head which is not healthy for you now.

If you have a child – drop them at your neighbours or any close relative so that you walk in the building without worrying about a thing except the interview that will take place.

13. Be polite to all:

The first impression is supposed to be the last impression. From guard that holds the door to the interviewer – be nice to all. Have a smile on your face at all times. Look into their eyes and smile. Be clear with what you speak, do not whisper to your own self. It should be audible enough.

Be polite and say “please” or “thank you”. It is for sure gets boring waiting in the room for your turn to come but it will be best if one avoided the use of phone and instead just sit and review your resume. Make sure to keep your phone on silent because you wouldn’t want that to interrupt during the interview, that will be considered as rude and ill-mannered.

14. Honesty is the best policy:

Lying will take you nowhere in literal terms. Be honest with the interviewer about everything. It will be best for you if you did not lie to the interviewer because they will have a background check and you will be caught for lying. To save yourself the embarrassment, just tell the truth.

15. Keeping it short and simple:

Do not blabber or have a monologue, give them the chance to speak. This is no play where you are the narrator who needs to talk a lot. Time yourself, keep the answers short and simple. Don’t sound so cocky, don’t be so full of yourself during the interview, make things subtle.

Complete your answer in a minute and end it with an example. Don’t foul talk about your former employer, don’t use humour or slang words at all, that will help you lose the chance of getting the job. Tell them about what your close ones thinks you’re best at without sounding too cocky and be completely confident with it and yet again – time yourself!

16. Get liked:

You need to not only impress the interviewer but also get on their emotional side and make them like you. Be genuine about everything you say during the interview. They don’t only choose an employee on the basis of the qualification but also because they liked them. Try to come under the good books of the interviewer obviously not by lying but by being you, a genuine you.

17. Shaking hands:

Once the interview is done don’t forget to shake your hand with the interviewer that is considered to be professional. Make it light and small.

Even if you did not get the job then don’t show your feelings to them instead, you need to continue to have that confidence within you and keeping your head held high with a smile on your face. This will prove how confident and strong you are.

If they haven’t made any decisions then before leaving the office ask them when will you be hearing from them, then they will give you a specific date or timing. If they haven’t then follow back.

18. Thank them:

You can thank the person who interviewed you by sending a mail or a letter to them saying that how grateful you are for their help in searching you a job or giving an opportunity to let you work in their firm and that you will dedicate yourself to them and if you think that you have missed out on an important information for them to know them, simply add it to the mail/ letter that you will be sending it to them.

19. Follow-up:

If you think, it’s been too long since the day you interviewed then call them or mail them about this.

Mail them that you had interviewed on such date at such time and it’s been over two weeks they haven’t got in touch with you and that you would appreciate if they got back with some information about the candidacy and you are looking forward to hearing from them about the decision they have made.

Don’t look needy but control your feelings from flowing out on the keyboard and write a persistent mail to the interviewer and show them how desperately you want that position in their firm but not being too greedy.

Be a little subtle with your words and don’t show your emotions too much. A simple short mail will do just fine.

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