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Does the Type of Degree matter for Employment?


A business degree is the top priority when it comes to choosing the majors for college goers. There is a great reason for this as more and more business jobs are opening up, offering the recent graduates the chance to secure best employments and jobs as soon as they step out of their schools. Obtaining the degree of top college implies getting well versed with the latest industrial trends, and applying them to the jobsite to prove fruitful to the organisation. It also suggests that the degree holder will be able to use the computer in the workplace.

degree matter for employment

Accountants who attain the CPA degree from the top college can get placement in finest companies to handle accounts. Even the college graduates, who have some sort of background in business, fully comprehend the growing need of learning the internet-based business and acquiring the skills in the niche industry.

How much college degree matters in Employment?

With the present economic scenario which is gradually recovering from the recession phase, jobs in various industries are still scarce and those who seek employment realise the importance and value of a college and a university degree. There are an overwhelmingly large number of job seekers and so an applicant who lacks the Bachelor’s degree or even the Associate degree, Master’s degree will certainly be thrown out of the employer’s search for the absence of mere certification credentials. If you have never set your foot inside the college campus or have simply undertaken a few academic and non-academic courses and never completed them, it is time to start pondering seriously about the education, college degree, specialisation and your career objectives.

What is the relationship between degree completion and unemployment?

Statistics from the government prove that degrees are essential to seek employment. Job seekers need degrees of higher education to get chance in good companies. As per the Bureau of Labour Statistics in the year 2009, the rate of unemployment for those who do not possess the high school diploma is twice as high as those who have the Associate’s degree. This gap tends to widen to approximately 3 times more in comparison to people who simply hold the Bachelor’s degree. If you see the statistics, then the unemployment rate for those who have professional degrees, Master’s degrees and doctoral degrees is lowest at 2-4 %.

The relationship between salary and degree:

A completed undergraduate or graduate degree will help you to get the job and according to the statistics the payment will be boosted. Reports suggest that those who have a high school degree may get $626 weekly on an average and those who have an Associate’s degree get $7561/week. Workers with the Bachelor’s degree can make $1025 and those with a Master’s degree can get $1257 per week. Those with the Associate degree can earn likely $7000/annum than the one who simply has the high school degree. The one with a Bachelor’s degree is capable of getting $14000/annum and the student with a Master’s degree can enjoy $12000.

Career goals Vs degree:

Money cannot enjoy 100% limelight. Money cannot be the only motivating factor behind opting degree courses. Students want to gain credibility and wish that those who are under them or above them offer them respect. With degree comes respect. Those around you will tend to respect your ideas, inputs and position on the daily basis. Completing the undergraduate or the graduate degree will assist you in meeting the ultimate career objectives. You will be able to move up in your workplace which is the kind of common occurrence after you attain the first or the other degree. You can move ahead confidently to attain the professional goals while you tend to shoulder greater responsibilities. This will permit the establishment of greater connections in your field while boosting up your pay scale at the same time.

Honing the Professional Skills:

When you pursue any degree course, the skills are honed by the professionals. The very skills which were honed when you were in the higher secondary level or undergraduate or Master’s level, those proficiencies will help you in reaching your respective career goals. Such aptitude incorporates the unique talent to write convincingly and effectively, the capability to fashion up a valid argument, supported argument and the needed wherewithal, allowing you to persevere in situations where you are overwhelmed with workloads, adversity and challenges.

Relationship between the degree courses and networking opportunities:

In your constant struggle to attain the best job, you will notice that connections to people both inside and outside the chosen field serve as the great unrivalled resource. When you were the student of class X, you have met several fellows in your career as the student. Such people, including instructors, professors, school administrators or even the fellow classmates, can prove greatly beneficial to you in your job search. They may cast a very positive effect on your future prospective. Such a group of persons is capable of recommending your work, mentioning your name to some other people and can offer you the necessary resources required to get the finest job. So, while you calculate the cost-benefit ratio of returning or continuing with the next semester, make sure that you consider the future salary implications along with the other resources and skills you can attain during your educational process.

Master’s Degree: How can it Boost the Career?

A Master’s degree is must to land certain jobs and to make career advancement in certain fields. Sectors like academia and research require a master’s degree and the professionals who have Master’s degrees can benefit with higher pay and enhance their job responsibilities. Lets us have a look at the importance of Master’s degree:

  • A Master’s degree can open up career doors along with the career fields, higher salaries and boosting up the advancement opportunities.
  • Master’s degree can help you to become the special education teacher, college professor, counsellor, school administrator, advanced level nurse, occupational therapist and the pathologist.
  • As per the BLS or the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the careers that require a Master’s degree in order to enter the projected field witness the maximum amount of job growth. The job growth in such specialised fields has started taking place and will continue at least till 2022.
  • You can get great advancement opportunities which can include getting into the administrative and managerial positions and securing the certification and relevant licensure.
  • The school principals who work in the public setting can be made the school administrators after they get the license.
  • Most of the job posts of the states are reserved for the degree holders. It is necessity to acquire a Master’s degree.
  • “U.S News & World Report” clearly states that workers having the Master’s degree will get a higher amount of salary. Workers with less education are deprived from lucrative salaries.

Master’s Degree Pay Scale:

Highly capable individuals, who hold the honourable positions, but lack the Master’s degree, can simply get mere median salaries. The following sample will show the median salaries that professionals get:

Occupational Therapist: $76,940

Education Administrator: $88,380

Nurse Practitioner: $92, 270

Speech Language pathologist: $70, 810

Physician Therapist: $92,970.

Economic Benefits of College Degree:

According to the ‘Education Pays 2014’, a student holding 4 years college graduate degree, in the age of 25 years, is capable of earning a median salary something around $21,100 which is far more than the earnings of the high school degree holder. If you simply have the bachelor’s degree and you work for 40 years, then you can earn 65% more than the high school graduate student. If you feel that 4 year degree course is too much time consuming, then you need to calculate the earnings and wealth you would accumulate at the age of 36. The earnings you enjoy at the age of 36, simply by investing 4 years of the degree course, will compensate for the years devoted to pursuing higher education.

What are the areas of Education for a Competitive Salary?

If you are inclined to get competitive salary then you are supposed to choose the most profitable areas of studies. They include:

  • Mathematics and Science
  • Engineering and Economics
  • Computer sciences

With a degree in economics along with the two years experience in the job field, you can earn the median salary of $50,100 and if you continuously work for 15 years then the median salary gets uplifted to $96700.

A degree in the respective field can be the passport into the employment industry. It clearly indicates the intellectual ability and the level of knowledge you possess. With the rise in the supply of graduates, employers are hunting for varied types of experience. Nowadays, with the increase in the competition level, a degree is no guarantee that job will be secured. Employers in the IT fields, consistently emphasise on the fact that to succeed at work, employees must develop a whole new range of both intellectual and personal attributes much beyond the proficiencies traditionally made clear in the study programmes in higher education institutions. Employers are looking forward to those degree holders who have the extra quality of being interactive besides having personal attributes. The person must be skilled in communication, formulating interpersonal relations and teamwork. He/she must be capable of representing the organisation, monitoring those in the sub level and must possess critical skills. Respective degrees in the field, along with the personal attribute and great intellectual skill can serve as the gateway to getting the best job.

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