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How to Increase Creativity in Problem Solving? 11 Strategies


What could be better than solving your very own personal problem with creativity? Problems occur every day, with everyone. One brave thing is to solve the problem with utmost care and efficiency, and be successful in crawling your way out of a crisis like situation.

Innovative Strategies for Creativity in Problem Solving:

At some point of life, everyone is a problem solver. One has the energy to boost him/ her up during such a situation by solving problems like a ‘pro’. Problems differ and so does the solution to it. Even a mundane problem can have a rocket sized idea to solve it. To add a pinch of creativity methods in solving any given problem is one Herculean task. . Creativity is a survival, to all who imply it whilst solving a problem.

Enough of blathering; let us get started already! Following is a list of how to implement the practice of acquiring simple strategies to increase creativity in tackling problems:

1. Sharpen the blade:

As a matter of fact, the most common and everyday used facts are likely to be missed by all. Creative people (truly creative ones) are likely to develop their ability of creativity by observing minute strategies. These are the people who brush up their observational skills and make the best out of it. Also, they make absolute use of all of their workings senses, which ultimately, helps in brightening up the dull side of them in no given time.

2. Boost up your knowledge:

New ideas are born with reading. Increase your reading skills. Innovation is based on one single thing, knowledge. Knowledge is the key to success, and of course, to all thee effective problem solving method related issues. Give more exposure to the things that would add up to your knowledge base. Explore more. Talk to people more often. Try every possible means to gather information about every possible thing that would increase your knowledge on every level. Try to focus and gather reading habits which one does not normally do.

3. Defer judgment:

Perception always creates a barrier in almost everything possible. For one to improve creativity whilst a problem solving crisis like situation, one needs to have his/ her thoughts clear. Perceptions can cause a limit to your end means of reasoning level. It may not allow you to reach the different levels of reasoning. Stay alert and be careful about how you are good enough in perceiving things and welcoming them in new ways possible. In other words, try to keep calm and defer judgment, that’s what folk says!

4. Practice imagery:

One must always allow a new concept come to life, always. Practice imagery to a whole new level. A layman must use descriptive and vivid language in adding depth to his/ her work. Imagery allows in appealing to human senses whatsoever, which helps in deepening the other person’s understanding and consuming levels of work. Powerful and strong use of imagery allows the person to engage all of the possible senses. Also, use the idea of metaphors in expressing views and opinions in graphic imagery to a whole new level.

5. Take a break:

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This universal phenomenon is absolutely true in all senses possible. Working all day and night over an idea is extremely alright. But taking a break and allowing the ideas to incubate and blossom is one thing that every individual must strive for. For instance, if you are working on a planned idea, say a business project, one good thing about big projects is you can take a break for recreation. Play a guitar, read a book, listen to music, ride a cycle. Such things help in giving an open and clear view to flush out the blockage in the mind, thus allowing upcoming ideas to be more creative and innovative in all way possible.

6. Forget everything and experience:

Experiencing new things everyday is like a feather in the cap, for everyone. Experiencing gives a correct exposure to the nature, environment, wildlife and most importantly, people. There are 7 million people in the world and one life is all you have got to experience everything. Exposure to a new living puts more and more ideas every time and your basket of experience is huge enough to take a toll on anything. A very important part of ‘experience’ is it gives a totally new look to your experience portfolio, broadening levels of experience to an entirely whole new level.

7. Treat patterns:

God brings up a new problem (and a solution too) just when you think that you are relieved out of a certain situation. One must treat the different puzzled patterns as giveaway to the solution of a certain problem. Patterns are part of the problem, treat them as they are. Recognize a new pattern, make it useful to the very core, and hold on to it as long as you can. Be aware and careful of not letting that pattern seek into the very corners of your life and be careful enough of not letting it becoming a part of your daily life.

8. Redefine the problem completely:

One good thing about problem is that it comes with a bumper package. Now a person can look it through sides, a positive one as well as a negative one. How you perceive it is all what it matters! One problem is connected to another problem and there is a chain of problems waiting to be exploded on you. The good things about such kind of serial problems are the solution is always hidden in it. If you find a solution to one, then the entire puzzle gets solved within minutes. The only thing that you have to keep looking or searching is the only hook that connects all the problems together. Solve a problem, move on in life. That’s when creativity enters whilst solving a problem naturally.

9. Open your third eye:

Like Lord Shiva, there is a third eye in everyone, possibly every human being alive on this planet. The only sorrow part is that one fails to recognize that divine power within you. It is like gravity; suddenly you feel that the planet has given you extra powers in looking through a magical ‘third eye’ in encountering problems and solutions to it, altogether. Believe in your sixth sense. Look what others have failed to look at. Look for things that might give you a clue to your problem. However, you need to keep your eyes wide open for this to work out.

10. Focus on innovation and execution:

It usually happens that ideas keeping pouring in at the very moment you think of executing a plan. Now you are left with hundreds of new ideas and are confused as to what idea should be picked up and what should be dropped. In such a situation, one must listen to their inner mind and choose an idea that might be of excessive help whilst tackling a problem. Too many ideas and not even a single execution would risk your creativity and put a full stop on your problem solving ability. Hence, at such situations, you need to stop with the idea generating process and turn up for executions and innovations. That’s how you roll it for bringing creativity to a problems solving situation.

11. Create possibility:

Keep a track of a language that is easier to understand and interpret for our mind whilst in problem burdened crisis like situation. Make continuous use of sentences such as ‘Imagine if’ and ‘What if’, instead of ‘I cannot do this’ and ‘this is something beyond my limits.’ If such de motivating words are used, the brain’s capacity of producing new ideas and ways to improvise them are de motivated and hurt, which in turn, leaves the layman with no ideas to innovate and execute.

Problem solving and decision making ability is not God gifted. It can be achieved by continuous exposure to problems and the various ways to tackle it. No matter what field you are successful or emerging in, one can always prosper at the problem solving activities. There are many ways to become a ‘pro’ in it, but the only way to emerge as a good problems solver is to face it. Face it with all the courage and strength. One can become a hell lot better in what they can think of doing and what they do, ‘creativity’ for that purpose. Also, if one keeps on applying creativity techniques in each and every aspect in all the walks of life, one can emerge as a successful problem solver in the future life.

Innovation is like a driving force that binds creativity with an idea. The more you innovate, the more creative you become in your approach to any idea, whatsoever. Knowing and understanding it is like having a map of treasure, and then following it, blindly!


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