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How to Become a Rockstar Designer – 20 Awesome Tips


The designer is a person who gives life to his imagination and that is why you need to have that passion for your work.

There is no such secret potion or magic potion, which will make you a great designer overnight. You have to work hard to achieve that position.

It is not just you, who wants to achieve an enviable position in the market; instead you will find hundreds of designers waiting in the queue already.

So, the next big question is how do you achieve that status of a rockstar designer, beating all these people in the queue?

The answer is hard work and loads of it. There are several other factors too, which helps in bagging the crown of a rock star designer, but you really have to put in a lot of sweat to reach a stage where people will look up to you.

How to be a Rock star designerBecoming Rockstar Designer:

Cannot be achieved in a day’s work:

You have to follow a plan and without that you won’t be able to become one of the greatest designers. It is nothing like, you wake up one morning and you get the tag of a rock star designer.

You have to learn the subject well and also know the technology like the back of your hand. The technology is ever changing; therefore, you will have to invest separate time for updating your knowledge about upcoming technologies as well.

All this information will help you in improving your work for better. In order to become successful in the creative world, you will have to concentrate more on the way you work.

A lot can happen if you work in the right condition and in the right way. Though it is true that you cannot teach designing because it is a creative form of art, but some tricks and tips will surely help you get better.

If you have the talent, then the right kind of guidance will help you in reaching the pinnacle.

Simple Tips To Become a Rock Star Designer:

If you are a good designer, then you can influence the consumer’s decision with your design, but if you are not, then it will not affect at all.

This is one way of judging whether you are there at the top, influencing people’s decision or behaviour in one way or the other, or you are still lying low.

The study of the consumer behavior will allow you to become more chary about how you can influence the behaviour of people positively.

Through this study, you will be able to create designs which will make the product even more appealing to the consumer and also design some effective services as well.

1. Keep on learning:

It is never too old to learn new things and you must never lose interest in doing so. If you want to be a rock star designer, then it is not important that you get off to a flying start; instead you can get a humble start at the beginning of your career.

During this phase, you will have to take everything onto your stride. You need to be like a sponge, which will suck in everything that is around you.

You have to listen to people around you, no matter how insignificant they are.

2. Accept criticism:

There are not many people, who can take criticism, but the ones who do, grow up to become one of the rock star designers.

When you are starting off, it is quite evident that you will make mistakes, but if you do not open up to criticism, then you will never learn and keep on committing the same mistakes.

No criticism must be taken personally, instead concentrate on what the experts are saying and improve.

3. Enhanced thought process:

For a designer, their thought process is the biggest asset and if they can utilize to the optimum level, then he or she will be a great designer.

If you are working with highly placed clients, then you cannot come up with just about any design, instead you will have to serve them nothing but the best and unique.

So, your thought process behind a design is the main factor, if you get it right, then your design will surely impress.

4. Use of technology:

Use of technology When you are trying to speed fast competition, then technology will be your best friend. You will need to have full knowledge about the latest technology, which can be used to come out with some impressive designs.

5. Get some fresh air:

Yes, this is also important, creative people need some fresh air every now and then, so that their brain is fresh and keep coming up with exclusive designs.

10 minute break is a great way of rejuvenating a tired brain and coming up with something, which will surely impress your clients from the word go.

6. Creative forum:

Join a forum, where you get the best brains discussing work. You will get to know the techniques they are using and which technology is trending nowadays.

The forums are also a place where they stay connected with everybody while they are working from home. Asking them about designs or everything related to the designs will be an enriching experience overall.

7. Jot it down:

Great ideas can strike anywhere and that is the reason you must always keep a pen and paper handy.

Whenever, you get any idea just take out your pen and paper and note it down, so that later you get a kick start from there. It will be a great reference to you as well.

8. Know your clients well:

If you are working with someone new, then you need to know them well, so that you can serve them better.

Study their behavior, interview them in person or take surveys to understand what they like and once you have come up with some designs, observe closely their reactions to your creation. It will help you improve and get your design approved at a go from your clients.

9. Believe in exclusiveness:

exclusiveness Anybody would love to have a designer, who only thinks about them and dedicates the entire time frame to them only.

Exclusive treatment will help you gain more client and name. These traits of your personality will help you fetch more work, which will in turn provide you with the scope of practicing, to get your talent polished.

10. Invest the same energy:

It is not about high profile client or challenging design, instead you need to maintain the same approach towards any kind of job that you have been offered.

A rock star designer is someone who will never compromise on quality at any cost and even when the work is not appealing enough, he will give it his best shot; else they know that the quality will get affected and in turn their reputation will be at stake too.

Before you take up any project, you must treat it like one of the most valuable projects of your life.

11. Measure your scales:

Your work will let you know whether you are making any progress or not. If you are only getting high profile clients, then you will know that you are in the right track, you just need to work even harder and put on the right kind of creative hat to produce them with the best results.

12. Highlight the points:

Before starting a project, you must sketch out a map. Here you need to highlight the points and keep them by your side so that you can make use of them when required.

13. Rough ideas:

rough ideas Once you have some kind of idea in your mind, you can sketch it out in a paper, so that you know how it shapes up in real.

Once you have a rough sketch ready, then you will be able to work around it, to get the better out of it.

14. Maintain the standards:

There is always a standard maintained in every field. In the same way, here also you will find certain standard compliance that you have to maintain.

If you have the objective of becoming a rock star designer, then it is important that you maintain the standards completely.

15. Never forget to save:

Systems can go kaput any time they want without informing you, so save even when you are using the latest version or a brand new computer. Save after every step, so that nothing is lost when something happens to your computer.

You have to keep in mind all these simple things in mind, if you want to grow bigger and better.

16. Test it:

Before finalizing it, do make it a point to test it and be confident about your design. This will help you impress your client instantaneously.

17. Simplicity is the key:

Simplicity is the key People think that being complicated is the way to prove that you are talented, but they are highly mistaken because it is hard to keep everything simple, therefore, if you keep everything short and simple, then it will prove your mettle.

Things can get complicated quite easily, so it is of utmost necessity that you strive for simplicity through your ideas.

18. Keep your computer up to date:

You might have all the knowledge, but if your computer is still from the ancient age, then it will be of no help to you.

So, it is better that you get yourself a new computer, which is faster and better with all the updates integrated into it.

When your computer works faster, it helps you work fast as well; therefore, you must go through the specifications of the computer well and purchase one that will suit your requirements.

19. Read books:

Though it is a long lost art, but if you really want to make it big, then it is important that you invest a good amount of time going through the books and grasping all the knowledge you can within a specified time frame.

20. Know where to draw the line:

You cannot over work yourself because that will hamper your creativity, instead you must make it a point to stop at the right moment.

It is not good to have everything done up like a Christmas tree, therefore, you need to have the knowledge about when to withdraw yourself and serve the design. You will get to know about this as time passes by and when you become a rock star designer, you will have it mastered.


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