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Best Alternative Job Search Strategies for your Career


It is quite a tough task to obtain a job in the competitive economic market where there are just a few openings and more applicants. What is required here is a bit of creativity and more of perseverance. You just require looking beyond the usual resources such as job boards, ads in papers and job fairs. It would be a better plan if you could leave behind the old fashioned job search methods and jump on to new methods.

Your CV needs enthusiasm and your application requires the right path to reach the employer. Here is a quick run through about the alternative job search strategies for your career.

alternative job search strategies

Alternative Job Search Strategies:

1. Getting to know the industry:

Try to become an expert by yourself. Prior applying for a job, it would be good if you could research the company and get to know more details about it. Try to fetch more details about the company’s present, future as well as the past. Also gather details about profit margins and production details. Know the link that the company possesses with the distributor, customer or suppliers.

Collect press releases, company report and white papers. Make a survey about where you can get into the company and what your talent can contribute to the company. All these details can be beneficial during the application stage or recruitment process. This is a method during job search where not many candidates do it.

2. Blogging:

When you blog, it really shows your involvement towards your field. It is not always to grab the attention of massive people or earn money from it but it is a method where your ideas, skills and thoughts are brought out. Blogging is considered as an alternate method for obtaining a job.

There are number of sources for example where you can obtain a free account, the other way would be to get your own domain and then proceed. Blogging can take into account a number of aspects such as industry happenings, book reviews, opinions, conferences, case studies and more. When you possess your own blog, make sure that you can include the blog URL in your CV, LinkedIn profile and also in business cards.

3. An eBook:

Days are gone where you were required to spend more for getting your writing published by a publisher. Amazon has made self-publishing a reality which is useful for many professionals.

The main intention of writing an eBook is that you gain knowledge and expertise rather than looking forward for gaining money. This way your involvement towards your industry is known by all. This can be added to your CV or job application which makes your CV stand out from the rest. This new methodology is followed upon these days to sell yourself and fetch a job.

4. Set goals for job search:

Instead of randomly searching for a job, you require to set goals for your search. You should be aware of what’s happening in your field of interest. Hunt on job openings that fascinate or interest you and make a list of the same. Find out the mandatory details such as skill set required and salary offered for the specific job.

Narrow down and find out what mandatory skill is required for you to obtain the job. Your goals should also have certain time limit whether it’s short term, intermediate or long term goals. Another aspect to follow here is that goals should be specific and focused.

5. Be organized:

Job search should be organized which many people do not follow. It requires prior planning and following through the same. Time should be framed each week for every activity such as reading job ads, phone calls, writing letters and so on.

You can set aside time for other enjoyments such as family, friends, and relaxation. Time is valuable and so should be used in the effective way.

6. Get to the various job search process:

Though finding a job may be a tough process, it is mandatory to get to all the resources such as professors, friends, teacher, relatives, and more in order to get a job.

It would be smart way if you could check with the state as well as private employment services, internet, placement offices, employers, local, state and national newspapers, journals, job fairs and more. All job search strategies can be included in this section.

7. Hidden job market:

Have professional contacts active because the hidden job market has a number of job openings which is unknown and not advertised.

These positions are filled in through referrals and recommendations and hence having a good rapport with professional friends and relatives can be beneficial in fetching you this opportunity. This method is not known by many and can be focused on hereafter.

8. Networking:

Networking with people is mandatory and beneficial as you can get to know more details about more contacts and job leads. Irrespective of the job you’re hunting for, a network is the right way to get in touch with the hidden job market.

A job lead is something which can pop up from anywhere, so possessing a good network is necessary. The people on your list are the ones who know you and what you do, they are primary contacts. But by networking with them you can get to know their contacts, professionals who are well aware of job leads, specific employers, job related information and more.

9. Details to obtain from your networking circle:

Once you’ve started networking make sure, you ask them the appropriate information you need. You can always feel free to ask them about any specific information of any organization or your industry related data.

You can also ask them for a referral who could help you get recruited and lastly you can ask your networking professionals about job search technique and methods.

10. Online:

When you’re hunting for a job, the best thing these days is searching for a job online. Legion of job sites has popped up, obtaining a job through these sites is possible.

Post your resumes on the various career sites, where almost all sites require you to fill the form step by step with apt details. By this way you can be assure to be called for an preliminary round for any job.

11. Social networking:

Social networking these days has become the hot topic as recruitments and networking are on high speed with those sites. Your chances of obtaining a job and networking can be made simple by using social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and more.

There are many organizations that hold hands with social networking sites for recruitment and posting job openings.

12. Company websites:

Research the company websites and take a deep look at the employee or HR section. There are many sites which possess separate section for fresh graduates and college students. Keep checking them often as they may be posted with opportunities. If they fit your qualification and criteria, you can apply for the same.

13. Being updated:

A candidate who is out for a job search should update themselves with the latest industry news. The status of the organization that the job seeker is looking for should be studied completely.

Data such as new product, new ventures, CEO, scandals, upcoming competitors, and more should be studied by the job seeker. All these information would help you to converse intelligently in an interview.

14. Register in professional associations:

Check if there are professional associations in your specific field, if present join with them and start attending and participating in the meetings and events. By this way you can know more people of your field and interest. You can also gather more details regarding the job opening outside.

15. Seek placement agencies help:

Placement agencies and recruitment services are another service that can help job seekers to get a perfect job. You just need to pay them a small amount and they would help you get a job and inform you about all the job openings.

16. Temping options:

A permanent employment can be well accomplished by accepting a temporary job. Offer your services to a company such as contractor, volunteer or a temporary employee and you will be the first one to know about the various job openings available.

Tips to Create or find best Career Alternatives and Opportunities:

Finding a job option and career alternatives are two different things. Finding new job is the general job search whereas career alternative is a option taken when one is not satisfied with their current job or career.

As per Kodzik,”By going through a self-discovery process professionals gain a greater understanding and awareness of the skills you have and want to continue to use, as well as the interests and values that are important to you at this stage of your life and career“.

Now here are few tips enlisted below that one should follow when looking for career options or alternatives and they are

  • Identify your interests
  • Assess the reasons for career change
  • Focus on your passion
  • Creating a career plan and work accordingly
  • Find a mentor
  • Join a job club
  • Work on your networking skills
  • Network during events and job fairs
  • Take up freelancing
  • Part time jobs is a good option
  • Volunteer
  • Acquire transferable skills
  • Research the preferred field well
  • Work on your skill set
  • Enhance your expertise
  • Look for internal career change options

Alternative Job Search Websites:

Be it job search or finding career alternatives, choosing the right source is very important. Here are few vital job search websites that provide best career alternatives.

7 Hidden-Gem Professions:

Choosing a right career is very important as it not only helps them lead a good life but also aids them work in a productive manner. Most people are not lucky enough to make their passion into profession, but if done then they will start enjoying the work.

Lack of job satisfaction, lesser pay, bad work culture are some of the common reasons of job change or career change. So one need to choose career alternative option which interests them and helps them overcome all such job hindrances.

Here are few career sources to choose from


The more diverse you navigate for job search the more chances you gain, hence elaborate your job search techniques and try all the options available. There are number of methods for job search and picking the ones according to priority is important. These few alternative job search methods can be beneficial for job seekers who are looking for new ways.

Landing with a job has a number of strategies to be followed upon. Hunt the sites and get to know more details regarding each idea. Job seekers and fresh graduates who are looking for a job can follow these tips to get a job easily.


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